James Nored's Blog – March 2009 Archive (5)

Social Networking sites and Missional Outreach Network to be discussed in Christian Chronicle

Hey guys. Bobby Ross, reporter for the Christian Chronicle. emailed me today to let me know that he will talk about social networking in his column in the upcoming issue of the Chronicle. He talks about Facebook, his own experience with social networking, and our site, the Missional Outreach Network.

The Chronicle goes to print on 3/25/09, so I assume the web version will be updated then too. Check… Continue

Added by James Nored on March 24, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Being Missional in Our Worship Times - Americans need more sleep

Being missional must factor into everything that we do. This should include even such things as our worship times. Is this not what a missionary would do? Is this not what a church planter would do? Absolutely! They would say, what time would have the best chance of having someone that we are trying to reach attend? They would not say, hmm, I think I'll have it at _____ time because that is what I like.

So what worship times would be culturally… Continue

Added by James Nored on March 19, 2009 at 7:13pm — 14 Comments

Changing the Scorecard of the Church

I just finished reading Missional Renaissance by Reggie McNeal. I took Reggie for a D.Min. class at Fuller, and Becki and I heard him speak at a minister spouse retreat. He is very in tune with both the religious and the non-religious world, and I give him credit for inspiring me in a lot… Continue

Added by James Nored on March 18, 2009 at 5:30pm — 11 Comments

2009 Tulsa Workshop - "Evangelism Revolution" (March 26-28)

The Tulsa Soul-Winning Workshop, "Evangelism Revolution," is coming up in about 10 days. It lasts Thurs., Mar. 26 through Sat., Mar. 28. Here is the full schedule. Here are some of the sessions which look interesting to me and apply to the outreach ministries at High Pointe


9:00 AM

Pavilion Rick Atchley The Born Again Identity Pt. 1

Exchange Ctr 2 Carl Moore… Continue

Added by James Nored on March 15, 2009 at 10:00pm — No Comments

New Survey: Those With No Religion Fastest-Growing Group in US

On Monday, a new religious study was released that showed that 15% of the US population defines themselves as belonging to no religion. Here is an excerpt from the American Religious Identification Survey—conducted by the Program on Public Values at Trinity College.

"The percentage of Americans claiming no religion, which jumped from 8.2 in 1990 to 14.2 in 2001, has now increased to 15… Continue

Added by James Nored on March 10, 2009 at 12:30am — 10 Comments

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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Jul 22, 2023
"Bishop loves you"
Jul 7, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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