James Nored's Blog – September 2009 Archive (6)

Heading to the Harding Lectures

Hi guys. I'm heading to the Harding lectures today. I'm looking forward to seeing my good friend, Keith Stanglin. I'll check back in this week, however, as MON is accessible on the Iphone!

Don't forget about the Twitter webinar this Thursday, 8 PM CT on MON. Should be great!

Added by James Nored on September 28, 2009 at 8:56am — No Comments

Inspiring Story & Baptism from Closet Closet Ministry!

Many months ago a woman named Rhonda came in to our clothes closet who was desperate, fleeing a very bad situation. She needed professional clothes for interviews, and was able to get them through our clothes closet ministry. We helped her in some small ways as well at other times.

Rhonda had told me about a very kind older man named Pete deLackner who had helped her. She had talked with him about being baptized. And yesterday, she called me to tell me that he was ready to do this.… Continue

Added by James Nored on September 24, 2009 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Jesus, the Center of Our Faith

Tomorrow I'm speaking on Jesus, the Center of Our Faith. It may seem strange to say that Christ is the center of Christianity. But this needs to be said, for far too often Christ has been forgotten in Christianity.

There can be no doubt that Jesus was at the center of the early Christian movement. Nothing else could generated the fiery zeal, compassion, love, and martyrdom of the first followers of Jesus. Nothing else could have caused a movement to begin with. Passion for… Continue

Added by James Nored on September 12, 2009 at 11:07pm — No Comments

Names of Jesus

Jesus has many names. Here are a few of them listed below.

God - Jesus is the almighty God who became human for us (John 20:28). Immanuel - Immanuel means "God with us." In Jesus, God came to be with us as he became human, and he is still with us today (Mt. 1:23; 28:20)

Lord/Master - Jesus is Lord, master, the one to whom we owe our obedience--not Caesar or any other earthly power (John 1:1, 14). Messiah/Christ - Messiah means anointed one. In biblical times, prophets,…


Added by James Nored on September 10, 2009 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Swine Flu Alert!

If you wake up looking like this, don't go into work! You may have the swine flu.

(Thanks to Linda Hardin, our secretary, for sending this.)…


Added by James Nored on September 4, 2009 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Sharing Stories Builds Community

Community is a key factor in reaching people for Christ. Few people come to faith without first encountering some form of Christian community. So what is it that builds a sense of community?

The article (cited below) gives five elements that research from Howard Thorsheim and Bruce Roberts shows helps people feel a part of a community. The article writer applies this to creating a sense of community at family reunions. Here is what the article… Continue

Added by James Nored on September 2, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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"Bishop loves you All"
Jul 22, 2023
"Bishop loves you"
Jul 7, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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"We love you All"
Mar 13, 2023


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