In Oct/Nov of 2008 I taught an accredited college course on Postmodern Evangelism. As it covers several topics, I thought it might be of interest to post the slides I used in the course. The following topics were covered:
II. The Need for Contextualization: World-views and Evangelism
a. Peter’s Audience and Worldview vs. Paul’s Audience and Worldview
b. Historical Development from the First Century to Today
c. The Post-modern Worldview
d. Postmodernism Vs. Modernism
III. Today’s Postmodern Culture Vs. Biblical Worldviews—How Do We Respond?
a. The Concept of God
b. The Concept of Jesus
c. Morality and Ethics
d. Sexuality and Marriage
e. Feminism and the Role of Women
f. Success, Money and Materialism
g. The View of Biblical Interpretation
IV. Postmodernism and the Missional Church: Practices and Implications
a. Worship Forms and Generational Differences
b. “Doing Church” for Postmoderns
c. Forming a Missional Church
d. Apostolic Leadership
e. Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Development
V. Evangelism in a Postmodern World
a. The Biblical Answer to Today’s Culture
b. Postmodern Apologetics
c. Paul’s Approach
d. Pragmatic Incarnational Evangelism
e. The Conversion Process
VI. Developing An Evangelistic Ministry in the Church
a. Developing Networks
b. The Work of the Church
c. The Evangelistic Ministry of the Local Church
Probably the most important item is not what I found to be most interesting or challenging, but what the college students ( range in age from 20's to 50's) found most enlightening. New Zealand is thouroughly postmodern, but envangleism essentially has been attractional with a modern approach. It was most interesting to see these students turning their plans to how to go to places they would encounter unchurched people. That includes places they aready frequent but had not thought of how they could share the gospel there.
"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"