Jesus Practices (BELLS) in “Groups” of 3-4
Below are some suggested weekly practices for Christ-followers based upon Jesus’ life that can help us in this calling. The practices, adapted from Michael Frost’s work Exiles, form an acronym called “BELLS,” and they are based around the lifestyle practices of Jesus. It is suggested that Christ-followers get together once a week over coffee or a meal with 2-3 others how agree to seek to live out these BELLS practices to share how they tried to live out these BELLS practices that week. This sharing is joyous and brings voluntary accountability. This get together is also an opportunity to share struggles, encourage one another, and give and receive prayer to help us reach out to others and open doors of opportunity to share our faith.
Bless 1 Christian, 1 seeker/unchurched, 1 either Christian or seeker/unchurched. This blessing can come from things such as writing a card, giving a word of encouragement, visiting someone in the hospital, buying a thoughtful gift, babysitting someone’s kids, etc.
Eat together with others three times a week–one a Christian, one an unchurched/seeker, and the other can be either. By sharing meals together like Jesus, we build relationships, out of opportunities come to bless others, share the gospel, and invite into Christian community.
LISTEN/Pray x1
Listen to God’s voice each week through prayer & Spiritual disciplines, helping to seek his will for who to reach out to. Conversations with God throughout the day, specific prayers, and spiritual disciplines such as silence, solitude, rest, meditation on Scripture, and fasting help us slow down, stop building our kingdom, and discern God’s will.
Learn more about Jesus by reading Scripture each week, especially the gospels. Or, read together a book about Jesus and reaching out. If Jesus is our model, we need to be learning about him and how to grow in sharing our faith.
Seek to find opportunities to share our faith/invite seekers into Christian community each week (these opportunities come more frequently as these BELLS are practiced). Also, come back together each week and share your “BELLS” practices with 2-3 other Christians each week. We can also intentionally seek to find opportunities to go with other Christians into non-Christian settings, perhaps joining a health club, book club, going to a coffee shop, coaching a sports team, etc. Strike up a spiritual conversation and invite people to join or host a Bible study, come to worship, etc.