I ran across an article today on 7 Reasons Leaders Burn Out. Burnout is a huge problem amongst ministers. Ninety percent that begin in ministry will not finish their careers in ministry. 

So I thought that I would give a few ideas of how to avoid ministry burnout:

  1. Always keep learning. I have heard some ministers say that they run out of things to preach. This has never been an issue for me. First of all, preaching about Christ and his mission never gets old for me. Second, I am constantly reading, going to conferences, and taking graduate classes.

    I read about a book a week, and skim or review many more. Conferences are fun and uplifting, and often provide an opportunity to see friends. Going away to take a class always causes me to come back with new ideas--and I have a change to put aside my ministry problems for a bit. By the time I get back, I'm chopping at the bit to preach.

  2. Take your day off and vacation time. I used to be very bad at this, but--with not so subtle encouragement from my wife--I have gotten better. A lot of times on my day off I still read ministry books or work on my D.Min. work. But it is at least in a different environment, free from calls and interruptions. I probably feel most refreshed, however, when I do something totally different--take a day trip, go to a movie, mow the lawn, etc.

    These off times are very important to nurture and protect for your family. What will it profit a person if he gains the whole world but in so doing he loses his family?

  3. Develop practices of silence, solitude, and meditation. These are difficult things for the high achiever types. Really, I am not very good at this. But I am at least recognizing the need for this in my life now, and seeking to grow in this area. Jesus often went to lonely places to pray, which then helped him to enthusiastically jump back into his mission. We need these times as well.

  4. Intentionally develop and nurture friendships. A friend is someone that you can trust with the secrets of your heart, that you enjoy being with, and who enjoys being with you. Usually, you have strong common interests and ways of thinking. I'm blessed to have some great friends who have kept me sane during the difficult times in my life and ministry.

  5. Develop other leaders. Yes, many times it is easier to do something ourselves. And no, no one can do the job as well as us. :) But unless we give away ministry opportunities--and the good ones--then we have little chance of developing new leaders. Thus, we fail to multiply our efforts.

    I was thrilled that Lindsey Flenniken and Cindy Moncada both decided that they wanted to be baptized when I was gone and two other people in my small group were teaching the Story of Redemption. Give others a chance to save the world and develop as leaders--and you might just save yourself too.
What do you do to avoid ministry burnout? What do you think of the above suggestions?

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Replies to This Discussion

These are excellent ideas. There needs to be more emphasis, however, on the wife. In my case I prepared myself in school as an engineer. Then 6 years later I entered the ministry to help start a church in a remote area from my homeland. I was determined to make it a full time career.

This career lasted 6 years. I had to go back to engineering mainly because my wife did not fair well when criticism from the church came. The tipping point came when Elza Huffard invited me to become the campus minister at Northeastern Jr. College. While we were in his office telling him our decision, my wife broke down and there it was evident, that I had to pull out of preaching.

I said that to say that somehow preachers need to find a way to insulate their wives and family, if possible, from attacks that come from well-meaning brethren. The wife needs to be shown much attention in the life of the preacher.
Bill Bowman
Dear Brother,
Here you mentioned some good ideas to continue the lord work with zeal which is in the beginning . yes most of preachers who wanted to continue their life in ministry are step back of some reasons .
thank you for sharing this and hoping it will be helpful to all to continue in God's work.
it is great to see that some of members are teaching Story when you are gone . yes we should lead our youth and members in such missional way . how great it is !.
Jayaraj, India


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