Hi guys. What suggestions do you have on teaching Spiritual Disciplines? James Leonard from the Fuller class that many of us took on Postmodernism is interested in this. Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline is a classic on Spiritual Disciplines, with some accompanying books: - Celebrating the Disciplines - this is a workbook meant to accompany Celebration of Discipline.
- Study Guide for Celebration of Discipline - this is a study guide for Celebration of Discipline

I also enjoy Foster's work on Prayer - 10th Anniversary Edition, which looks at many different kinds of prayer. I made up some class lessons on this book and taught it at our church in Liberty, MO, and this class was was received.

I have not read it, but Dallas Willard's work The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives looks promising.

Does anyone else have any other resources on teaching Spiritual Disciplines? Stan Helton, who is on this site, is getting his D.Min. in teaching Spiritual Disciplines. I have talked with him about starting a Spiritual Disciplines group on this site. So maybe he--or others of you--can lend us some insights.

Thanks for the help!

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My wife and I are currently reading Marjorie Thompson's Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life. Thompson defines terms turns our eyes on God, precisely defines terms and processes like Lectio Divina (pp. 25-27), and finally gives guidelines for developing a "rule of life." I recommend it highly. Or, even better, read it with your Soul Mate.
Dallas Willard's Revolution of Character is equally good.

Stanley N. Helton said:
One other work that deserves a mention here is Dallas Willard's Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ. While this book is not primarily about practices, it does a great job of explaining what it means to be human and why spiritual formation is about getting to the heart not the actions. When the heart is transformed the actions will follow. Conversely, actions (namely, spiritual disciplines) can have a inverse effect on the heart. All in all, a great read.
Gailyn and Stan, thanks for continuing to give us recommendations. I reach so much on the outreach side--I need to do some more reading on the spiritual formation side.


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