Spiritual Gifts Seminar Testimonials

Below are some testimonials from the Spiritual Gifts Seminar held at the Buckingham Road Church of Christ (Garland, TX).
"James, Howdy Brother! No one person can express the thanks that we want to give to you for all the refreshing thoughts that you have given us." Grant MiKee, Denise Gidor

"Dear James. Thank you for giving us the Spiritual Gifts Seminar. The survey is very beneficial to help focus on our gifts. Thank you also for allowing us to come view your food pantry operation. God bless you." -Yyonne Timpa

"James, thank you for presenting the Spiritual gifts seminar and the Missional Outreach Seminar. They were great tools to have here at BRCC. Thanks again." Colin Denison

"Dearest James, thank you for your time and input We appreciate visiting your food pantry. May God bless you in all your endeavors. God bless you!" - Louise Mitchell

"Dear James, thank you so much for coming to Buckingham and teaching us about Spiritual Gifts. I was and am so motivated to share and practice the things I learned. Your examples were especially helpful too. Thank you." Shana Merrick

"Dear James, thank you so very much for coming and blessing us with the Spiritual Gifts Seminar. As usual you did an outstanding job. Thank you for having us do the survey also. It really helped me to know where my Spiritual Gifts lie and knowing that has encouraged me to feel more confident in those areas and to know that God has blessed me with those Spiritual Gifts. It is such a blessing! You are truly a man of God." Love, Carolyn Moore

"Dear James, thank you so much for giving your time and talent to help us try to learn more about our spiritual gifts. We really appreciate your knowledge and your kind heart. I really learned a lot. Some of the gifts you talked about I had no idea that they were gifts. May God continue to bless you greatly in your ministry." Kathy Underwood

"James, thank you for sharing the knowledge of the Spiritual Gifts. It is so hopeful to learn about yourself and God's purpose for you and through you. Thank you for glorifying God and teaching us to glorify God daily through our being made from God." In Him, Chris Caton
"Dear James, thank you for presenting the seminar to BRCC. I appreciate all the time and effort that you put into your presentation." Luida Doyle 

Testimonials from Spiritual Gifts Seminar in Plano, TX
Maggie Herrod - “Excellent presentation--your speaking, your power point presentation, your involvement with the participants.”
Luis Boy - “Loved it. Very well persuaded.”

Steve Barrett - “James, you pace yourself well. You are able to project the level of passion for the topic without becoming overbearing. Great job.”

Agnes Williamson - “The presentation was excellent--thought provoking and well organized.”

Below are some testimonials from the Forsythe Church of Christ in Monroe, LA.
Mike Riley, elder - "Really enjoyed the presentation and the presenter! Most helpful experience for greater understanding."

Derward Culp - "Thank you for coming to Forsythe Avenue Church of Christ. Bless you as you obtain your doctorate!"

Bill - "My challenge is to step up my leadershi ability by bestowing more confidence in myself."



Feedback Questionnaire Survey Results

  1. The seminar presenter was knowledgeable about Spiritual gifts and well-prepared for the seminar. 4.8 out of 5
  2. The seminar presenter was engaging and interesting. 4.7 out of 5
  3. Prior to the seminar, I would rank my knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Gifts as a: 2.8 out of 5
  4. After going through the seminar, I would rank my knowledge and understanding of Spiritual gifts as a:  4.2 out of 5
  5. The seminar has give me some good ideas or supposed my thinking in how to use my Spiritual gifts in non-Christian settings (world/workplace/neighborhood) to bless others' lives. 4.3 out of 5
  6. The seminar has given me some good ideas or spurred my thinking in how to use my Spiritual gifts to serve my family or spouse. 4.3 out of 5
  7. The seminar has given me some good ideas or spurred my thinking in how to use my Spiritual gifts to serve Christians or in church ministries. 4.5 out of 5
  8. The seminar has given me some good ideas or spurred my thinking in how to use my Spiritual gifts to share my faith in some way with others. 4.7 out of 5
  9. This seminar (and questionnaire if applicable) has help me better understand and/or discover my Spiritual gifts. 4.7 out of 5. 
  10. I would recommend this seminar to other churches or individuals. 4.8 out of 5
To schedule a Spiritual seminar, please email James Nored at jnored@yahoo.com.

Last updated by James Nored Jan 17, 2011.

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
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"Bishop loves you"
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BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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