Faith Evangelical Ministries India Visakhapatnam Gospel Meetings

Gospel is being proclaimed in villages and cities through gospel meetings. People coming in thousands to take part in such meetings without any discrimination of caste, creed, race or religion as members of one family to listen to the Word of God and to follow the path of Jesus. It is note-worthy that non-Christians come
in large numbers and they got the salvation in their souls & spirits & become the followers of Christ. The Lord is using Rev Isaac and god gave him a great Voice to sing songs. and his team attract the people with music ,gospel songs and dances . many people were attracted that meeting and many of them got salvation and they invited Jesus their hearts. at the End of each meetings, a large section of people repent and weep for their sins and commit their lives to Jesus. When prayer is offered, God's power ascends and performs His mighty works among the people and his glory reveals through healing & deliverance.

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BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

India mission work

"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

India mission work

"Bishop loves you All"
Jul 22, 2023
"Bishop loves you"
Jul 7, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

India mission work

"We love you All"
Mar 13, 2023


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