Gina Nored (Age 9) - If I were President of the United States

In their classes at school, our girls were asked to write out what they would do if they were president. Read what they wrote. My girls are amazing, with such incredible hearts for God!! Someone at least has been listening to my preaching and teaching. :)

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Comment by James Nored on March 8, 2011 at 11:14pm
n case you can't read the print above, here is what Gina writes.

"If I were President, I would tell everyone about Jesus and how he came to tell everyone that he came to earth to save people who are lost. I would make sure that everyone had a Bible. I would make sure that people who were sick, poor, hurt or living on the streets would be taken care of. I would make sure there were at least five churches in every city. I would make sure that if people lost a loved one, that they would be comforted and know that their loved one would be waiting for them in heaven. If a disaster occurred, I would make sure that their shelter was built again. I would make sure that nobody would be rich or poor. that everyone would be equal. I would make sure that if someone needed something, they could always come to a church and they would be taken care of. I would make sure that everyone was loved. I would make sure that orphans would have a good home. And that everyone would know God. I would make this world be like God intended it to be."

Would you vote for Gina for president? I would! It is amazing how much she has taken in. Feeding the hungry . . . helping those who are hurting . . . planting churches . . . restoring the world to the world God intended. That is straight out of the Story of Redemption and exactly what God calls us to do and be. I could not be more touched and proud of my girls!!
Comment by James Nored on March 8, 2011 at 11:13pm

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