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Pastor / Evangelist

Reg-Act35 of 2010/society no 218/2002
(Gospel focused, faith based Inter-denominational Ministry)

Dear Brother & Sister in Christ

My hearty greetings of love, peace and grace are to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

First of all, I praise God for this wonderful opportunity to share my ministry activities with you.

A Brief History of DEM

The Dayamaya Evangelical Ministries came into existence as a response to the vision given by God to Pastor P. Paul. The ministry was set up with faith as the only capital, DEM was formally founded on June 16, 1997 but even before that, a worship service at Pastor Piridi Paul’s residence in Vizianagaram marked the begin of the realization of a great vision for India. As the visionary’s efforts begin to develop more churches were planted as faraway as Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, Nepal besides Church planting. The DEM is involved in Seminars, Revival Crusades, and Education to the Poor, Vocational Trainings etc.,

Our Activities

DEM Gospel Crusade

Every year we organize number of gospel crusades in India to have a great harvest of souls for His kingdom. Many got saved and delivered from their sickness and bondage's. We invite preachers from around the globe to join us to evangelize India.

We are inviting preachers from all over the world to come to India to share the gospel with because 1.3 billion people live here. We will organize gospel crusades, seminars, music concerts, and children youth camps to reach these millions. If you are willing to sponsor a crusade or to preach in the crusade, you are most welcome. Please contact us to reach India.

Please contact us to reach India with the message of Gospel :


To organize a crusade in:
Metropolitan City (US $100,000 and above )

Large City (US $25,000 and above )

Small City (US $10,000 and above )

Village (US $4000 and above )

DEM Tribal Ministries

India still has got a number of tribal groups living in various parts of this country. Our ministry always has got a special place for these people. None of these tribal groups have a language script. Some of the missionary agencies have developed script and taught these people some language skills. We visit these tribal belts to minister to them. We go in groups and stay in their locality to conduct Gospel Crusades and share the word of god.
Since most of these people live in remote places, it is very difficult to visit them. However God has been so good to us and we were able to visit them periodically and have locally recruited evangelists and pastors to serve these community people to maintain the continuity of our work. We seek your constant prayers to win these tribal groups for Jesus.

The Need:

1 Salary for the local Evangelists and Pastors : $ 5000 / per Year
2 Other expenses : $ 5000 / year

DEM Children's Ministry

The children ministry often played a critical role. He openly rebuked His own disciples and asked them to be like one of these children to enter the kingdom of God. We are very conscious of this fact and we also know that planting the seed in the lives of children will definitely restore them back to Christ at any part of their lives even when they fall down. Apart from our Sunday schools and other children activities, we concentrate in the summer months on the children when they have their summer vacations. We partner with India Bible Literature and others who provide us with good children's materials and songs. We conduct training for the teachers for these classes from various Churches and distribute the printed materials, audio and video supportive materials to make the sessions interesting for the children in Vacation Bible School.

The Need:

1 Innovative tools for teaching children : $ 5000
2 Audio and Visual materials in the Telugu & Oriya languages : $ 5000
3 Training for the teachers and teaching materials : $ 5000

DEM Church Planting

We are fully aware of the fact that we may not be able to reach the masses by being established at one single place. India is a vast country with plenty of opportunity to share the word of god. The mandate given to each Christian is to share the good news with every one possible. We are conscious of that fact and trying our best to reach out far and wide in this Country. If God is willing we may even reach out to the neighboring countries in the years to come. We have already started reaching out to the neighboring States like Andhra Pradesh Orissa, Nepal etc. We are developing the local leadership in the new areas of outreach. we have a Nearly 678 Pastors Under Our Leadership , They are all voluntary Gods servants, and working in Hills and tribal areas, Pastor Piridi Paul the president of in our pastors association, We are also encouraging God's servants from South India to go as missionaries to plant new Churches in the SOUTH INDIA.

The Need:

1 Train and develop missionaries and pastors : $400 X 100 = 40,000
2 Acquire land and build Churches in the remote Tribal places : $20,000 X 20 = 400,000

3 Bibles in Telugu & Orissa languages and other literature for distribution in the new areas $250 X 20 = 5,000

4 Musical instruments as appropriate for the new congregation : $500 X 20 = 10,000

DEM Television Ministries

India is second in the world population statistics. In addition Indians, still lives in villages. Whether these villages are connected by roads or not, they are definitely connected by television networks. To reach even the remotest corner, these televisions are the best medium. Hence we have been constantly trying to reach the masses through television. We share the word of God by songs, messages, testimonies etc. India does not allow full time gospel channel and hence we have to depend on other channel operators who charge very high rates for our limited time telecasting.

The Need:

1 Sponsors for our slots in the different local channels. $500 X 12 months X 5 channels = $ 30,000

2 Sponsors for our programs in the satellite channels. $200 X 30 days X 12 months = $ 72,000

3 To own and operate a 24 hour Gospel channel (Local channel) = $ 50, 000

DEM Village Ministries

India consists of nearly 6,75,000 villages. Every Sunday evening around 40 of our Church members along with some of our Pastors visit different villages to minister to the people there. Once in the village, the visiting team will divide itself into smaller groups and meet with Children, Women, Youth, Elderly to share with them the appropriate message from the Bible along with the current miracles the Lord has been doing in the lives of many.

Then in the larger gathering, a skit is enacted and few songs sung and a main message for the day is shared with the community gathered. This also includes the distribution of tracts door to door by our youths and children. Many commit their lives to Christ and some express their willingness to attend our Church services. For the most needy, separate counseling is done on one to one basis and to families.

The Need:

1 We need a couple of good vehicles to visit the villages and also to give free transportation for the new believers to attend our Church services. $20,000 X 2 = $ 40,000.

2 Gospel tracts and literature in different dialects Telugu languages. = $ 5000

3 Bibles in different languages = $10,000

4 Loud speakers system to address the gathering.
Kindly pray and uphold this ministry.


DEM is working currently with 56 lepers families . We have been privileged to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ too them, and to disciple them. In addition to our spiritual ministry among these people, we supply them, as the Lord supplies, with rice, fruits and clothing.

The Need:

we need Bibles 223 Telugu full Bibles
each Bible 200/- Rupees Only Totally - 44600 ( Forty Fore Thousand Six Hundred Rupees only )
( Each Bible 4 $ US Dollars Totally - 892 $ US Dollars )

We need Monthly support in our MERCY HOME ORPHANAGE
We have 56 children's monthly 16500/-Rupees ( Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Rupees Only ) ( $ 330 US Dollars )

In these tribal area they are very need and neglected ones have been suffering for food, clothes and shelter. These children are do not have parents and some parents had died with HIV Positive. Those who effect by HIV their children too have been taking care of by us. I praise God for their 44 children do not have the AIDS, remaining 12 children's have HIV totally 56 children's are there,We are providing food, clothing by the Help of our believer’s donations and some of our local friends. Now the local friends’ supports are handicapped. The believers donations are not sufficient to us .so we are not give full meal to the HOME CHILDREN'S , The children are crying for their food, educational needs and for their dairy needs.

I'm giving details of the children's they are 56 their age groups as fallows:

Girls List:- Age Groups NO

3 to 5 years below 8 girls
5 to 8 yrs below 10 girls
8 to 12 yrs below 5 girls
Total 23 girls
Boys List:- 3 to 5 yrs below 3 boys
5 to 8 yrs below 15 boys
8 to 12 yrs below 15 boys
Total 33 boys

The Need:

Electricity Connection :We Got the 3 Phase Electricity Connection.We have Debt on the Electricity Connection of 4000 Euros /5500 US $.

Generator :We Need 15 KW Generator for the Children Home & Church. As it is the Village we only have 6 hours Power Supply in a day.The Children were facing severe troubles because of power supply, in the Nights suddenly the power fails. We Need Permanent Generator. The Cost to Purchase Generator is 6000 Euros / 6500 US $.

Vehicle : For Ministry we are very much need of a Vehicle. We don’t have proper transport facility for the Ministry till now we are traveling on the bus and for evangelism it is a big problem for us. The Cost of the Vehicle Probably a Jeep which can accommodate 10 People is 15,000 Euros / 22,500 US $.

Regular Monthly Sponsorship: At Present we are having 56 Children (Boys & Girls ) in the home. We desperately need monthly regular sponsorship for their food, Snacks, clothes & education. We are running it hardly with the present limited support we are having. Every Child Needs 56 US $ per month which covers their food, snacks, education, medical issues and salaries for the cook & helper.

Land For School Building:
Now we have live in Rented Building , The Present Land which we are having is very small and we cannot do anything in the present land we are having. We are praying to purchase a land which is opposite to the present building and back side of the building which can be used as a play ground to the children and importantly we have to Construct a Christian Environmental School not only for the Children we are in the home but also for the outside children and want to make a big difference in the society. The Present Land which we constructed Church, Parsonage & Children Home is 16 Cents Piece of Land. The Land which is opposite to our Present Building is around 35 cents and and the cost of the land is 50,000 Euros / 60,000 US $.

Children Home Needs :

Children Home Needs Industrial Refrigerator which is made of steel. The Cost of the 120 Litres Refrigerator approximately is 800 Euros / 1200 US $.

Children Needs Bicycles to go to school at present they were walking long distance to go to school, we don’t have transport facility to drop them at school. Each Bicycle costs 70 Euros / 100 US $.

Children having 40 Cots & Mattresses till now. We are running short of another 10 Cots & Mattresses. Each Cot, Mattresses, Pillow, Bed Sheet Costs 80 Euros / 115 US $.

So we are requesting you please pray for us, visit us and guide us , strengthen us to do the Lord’s work through your ministry.

Thanking you

Yours in His Service

Rev Dr Piridi Paul
Pastor / Evangelist
Bonga street, 4th Ward

Cell +91-9866458017

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
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