Seeking The Old Way or The Bath and Following Ancient Landmarks

Text : jere 6 : 16 – thus says the lord.Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old path, where the good way is, and walk in it, then you will find rest for your souls, but they said we will not walk in it :
(A)A way is a path for walking.A way that has been used before jere 10 : 23 jere 18 ; 15 prov 22 : 28 Hosia 5 : 10 Isiah 8 : 20
The Landmark is something used to guide.We need a guide for finding the old way or the path psalms 119 :105.
i. Find the way or the path, Gods way or the path of God john 10:16
ii. The map,not the world map,but the map of God which is the bible . Det 4 : 2 rev 22 : 18 2John 1 : 9 – 10.
iii. (B)Jesus christ is the way . Joh 14 : 6 -8
i. Jesus teaching is the way , the path and we need to walk in his teaching Joh 12: 48 matt 17 : 1 -5
ii. He build the new testament church 16: 13 -19
iii. He is the saviour of the body , the church Eph 5 : 23 -25 1: 22 -23
iv. iv He is the authur of salvation . salvation is none other name . Acts 4: 12 Heb 5 : 8
i. (C)The landmark of the way christ funded
i. His church wears his name,my church matt16 : 18 Rom 16 : 16
ii. His church is the bride of christ ,he married to him , should wear his name Rom 7 : 24 Eph 5 : 25.
If you are a member of a church that does not wear the name of the New Testament church did, then you have removed of the ancient landmarks Hos 5 : 1
(D)The New New testament meet on the first day of the week ps 118 : 22 Acts 2 : 42
i. There are two landmarks of the identification of the New Testament church ( 1)The Lords supper Acts 2 : 42 Acts 20: 7 1cor 11 :23 -24 (2) Giving or collection of the saints 1cor 16 : 1 -2 Acts 20 : 35
ii. The chuch you belong observe these in the Acient way and manner?
iii. The chuch in the new testament was ruled by Elders and Deacons Act 6 : 1 – 1 phill 1 : 1 Acts 20 :17 – 28 1Tim 3 : 1- 11 Tit 1 : 5 -7
iv. No pope , presiding Elder ,D. Pastor ,Rev . prophet and etc All the leaders are equal.
(E)The new tes ta ment church did its mission through the church without any organisation than the church .Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Acts 1 : 9 -10

i. Each congregation was a separate unit to do mission work .
ii. Modern method unheard of
(F)The New Testament church had a unique method of financing the work . 1cor 16 : 1 -2 1cor 9 : 7
i. No one was taxed , no bazaars leg –shows, kofi and Ama etc.
(G)The New Testament used vocal musics only :
ii. Singing Eph 5 ; 19 col 13 : 16 James 5 : 13 1cor 14 : 15
Mechanical instruments introduced by men is not the way or path, matt 26 : 35
Conclusion about the way , the path is fear God and keep his commandments Ecc 12 : 13 -14 ,Rev 1: 1- 2
The five way is rejected . (1)hear john6:45 (2)believe and faith john20:30-31 john3:16 (3)Repent Acts 17:30 Luke 13:1-6 Acts 2:36-46 (4)Confess Rom10:9-10 Matt 10:32-34 Baptism Acts 22:16 Acts8:36-38 Acts10:44-48 Matt 28:18-20 MK16:16. Thank you.

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