What kind of Spiritual gifts/member profile tools/reports do you need?

Hi guys. I need your help!

I am working on adding some additional ministry tools to my Spiritual gifts website. In case you have not seen this site, it is www.YourSpiritualGifts.com. This site lets people discover their top 5 Spiritual gifts. They can also receive an extensive report of all their gifts with testimonials of how people have used these gifts, videos illustrating these gifts, and ideas on how to use these gifts in the different areas of their lives.

One tool on the site is that a church administrator can pull reports of everyone who has a particular gift or even a combination of gifts in his or her church. So, if you wanted to find everyone with the gift of Administration, you could pull that list. If you wanted to find everyone with the gift of Administration and Evangelism, you can pull that list, either inclusive (those who have either of those gifts) or exclusive (only those who have both of those gifts).

I am also working on letting people add different talents and interests to their profile, which then a church administrator could pull in a report. You could look for people who have an interest in say, children's ministry, who also have the gift of Leadership or Administration, etc. What thoughts do you have? What else do you think would be helpful? Thank you!!

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