We are Non-Profitable Christian Organization. We are certified that "THE MISSION" registered und

er the Government of INDIA Societies Registration Act. 2001.
Did you know that thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children in India are dying, and most of them die without a Savior? Support The Mission Vision to reach the unreached.
Vision: 1. Preaching, Teaching, Training Disciples & Raising Leaders
2. To help the orphan & needy children to give shelter, education, cloth, medicine etc.
3. Helping widows & old age people in their needs
4. Church planting & Evangelizing
5. Educating people through Mission School
6. To Provide Job opportunities 
7. Working among Tribes, village, slum & around the World.
Our Ministry: The Mission continues to expand, and God blesses us abundantly, meeting the needs in His perfect timing. For it is He who provides for the ministry, not any one of us. The Mission work at home and around the world through the programs, and others, Christ's love is exhibited in a real way and many are drawn to him.
Prayer Request: Pray for the ongoing needs of the Gift bag project & medical camp at Slum & village Areas.

Children are very important to God even though Many times Children Take a Secondary place in the Church but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

." - Matthew 19:14
The Mission sees the Great need of the Children. We reach them through our Mission where children are fed spiritually and physically. And also we teach and train children to have a successful in their lives and we train them to be a Missionaries, teachers and preachers.
The Mission has No boundary to reach Children We care in the families and Church. We reach the Children every where. As children live and work on the street because their parents are poor, or they are orphans, or they have run away from home, often to escape abuse.We are reaching them with breads and telling the story of Promise land from its early days till today and we make them Happy.

These children live in a different world to the emerging middle class. Taken as a separate nation, they represent one of the neediest peoples on the planet.
Dear Friends, as The Mission had a Vision to built Orphan Homes, to give Better future with Good Education, Medical Care, Cloth and every need. Let us have a same spirit to help those children. As we all knows, we can't make a clap with one hand but we can make a very big sound when we all join our hands to clap. The same way join your hands to help the Orphans, Poor & needy children and show the Love of God. Come with prayer & vision to be in unity with us to show the children as our Beloved Lord Jesus is embracing us with his love.

We encourage every one to visit THE MISSION in India and see how God is working through His Mission. We know that you will benefit and be encouraged by seeing the work. Your presence will also encourage the believers in India.
You'll spend time in India and experience its culture by living, learning

and working alongside those in the local Christian community. You will be Part of our Mission to do the Medical camps, Children Ministry, Evangelizing the Un-reached and proclaiming the Jesus through outside Crusades. And Encouraging and strengthening The Mission Pastors and Anointing the Young people who are ready to go to the outreach to spread His word. And you will be helpful to the Orphan children and widows and needy people.etc.
"During your trip to India you will have the opportunity to tour some of India's historic sites."
Dear Friends,
THE MISSION invites you to the remote parts of the Andhra Pradesh, South INDIA that will bring you a vision of fulfillment. You will meet people and see places that you had a vision that God put in your heart.

See that people will touched by Gods word and changing hundreds of lives all over India. Billion populations & the fastest growing nation on earth & Speaking 1,600 languages & dialects. And 2009 years of resistance to the Gospel but still Christians where their is only 3 %. Throughout India, God needs workers for His harvest. Now God may be inviting you honor His invitation with prayer and earnest desire.
Are you ready to come to India to fulfill God's purpose in your life? Accept and believe Gods calling in time to come to India. Now opportunity came to you come and see God's blessing where you've never gone!
<a href="http://www.themission.in" target="_blank"><img src="http://i866.photobucket.com/albums/ab221/JPthemission/AddBanner.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> |
Email: JP@themission.in VISIT THE MISSION
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