Ok check this out guys! 5 Diffrent groups or even "ministries" in the church:

Soccer Team
Basketball Team
Acapella Singing Group
Devotionals/Spiritual Activities

What do you guys think about this?? What if we implemented this in every church?? We have a leader alongside an assistant and look to do these things, but more importantly, glorify God by inviting all these people that particapte to church and to stay active! I think it's a great idea, and we can start on it now!

At Highland Oaks, God helped us to start a soccer team and a youth group. We had dozens of people come, and up to a 100 in one night for a locking! A lot of people came to the soccer team, not only the guys, but their families eventually as well! It's great because these form communities, bonding, and are fun! It also encourages leadership for people. I would love to hear your opinions on this....Gracias!

Wimer Rivera

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This definitely a great idea Wilmer! I will help with it and will also encourage others to join in too!

Here is the FCC Youth Group Video at Highland Oaks Iglesia de Cristo.

Find more videos like this on Missional Outreach Network
When Wiilmer started a soccer team (over two years ago) here with us, (Highland Oaks), a young man (Edward) came to play. With him also two sisters (Lily and Katy) . They were invited to church and came. They went back and told their parents about their new friends a church that they have find. Their mother, (now sister Meche) begun attending church. Later she became Christian along with Edward, Lily and Katy. Jaime, Meche’s husband did not come to church until last fall. On January 5, 09 he also gave his life to Christ. Now we have a community of people around this family attending church or a house groups. Wilmer ideas on “The 5” can be very effective ministries to engage young people in a healthy atmosphere s and an opportunity to share the saving power of Jesus Christ with them.
Hey Marvin! Man that's great news! There's four people interested in the Acapella group! Did you'll have time to talk, ideas? Also, was there people interested in any of the other groups? Did Josh say anything about the basketball?
Hey, that's great also about redecorating the F.C.C. room! It's going to look so cool! It will be ready to have more people there and I'm even thinking that the way we put the chairs could be different! Also, take some pics of the room and put it on myspace! That would be so cool!
Hey Wilmer! The 5 project is going well. I already got people involved for the different groups. I think we might start soon with the Acapella Singing Group! I'm excited about that :-) also the new youth contact list wil be done soon, I got a lot of names today at church during the convivencia! Lily's been helping me so much! She is also helping with the decoration of the FCC board along with Ana and others, it's going great as you see! Let's keep brining the ideas, I'm excited for this week's devotional too!
That's super! Keep it up! Let me know how that room looks!
Who are the other people in the groups?
That's great that the new list will be done soon and we need to get some helpers there with Lillie to call. Lilly is great and from what I hear she's turning into a leader! We need to keep motivating her ! Let's call those people this week and keep in touch with them!
So what did you'll think about the calendar!? :) maybe do that idea with the pictures! :) that would be sweet
I would like to say that three of the groups are going now, soccer, singing and drama. We sang this past Sunday, and it was a different feel because our group got in front of the people and sang all throughout the first songs of the service. We also had a game with another church last evening, we won 5-1! and we practiced for our Drama group which we have a drama presentation for this Sunday! We have more going and I look to keep up these groups and the two remaining, I will look up to put pics and videos. Pics speak louder than words. It is great to be involved and see how these groups can and help others. That's what it's about. Any comments or ideas feel free to ask!


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