The meta-model for group life (commonly adopted by the Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago) has as its foundation a specific formula. That formula is based on multiplication--multiply leaders and groups will multiply, making space for more people, thus opening doors for new leaders to step forward.

There are other models, some structured, others not as structured. My question for discussion today is simple:

How does missional group life begin? What are its origins? What will those beginnings look like?

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Hey Trey. It's great to have you back on the network!

Yes, I think that new groups begin with new leaders. Here are some things that seem to help in this:
1) Creating an atmosphere of freedom to start new groups.
2) Constant upholding of missional concepts, stories, examples, etc. to inspire others to participate in the mission.
3) Encouraging people to be listening for the missional opportunities in their lives.
4) Direct recruitment of new leaders.

What do you think of these steps?

You've made four very important points. A few questions I would ask of your response:

1) What tools do we have available to us to coach potential leaders to recognize missional opportunities when they arise?
2) What are the "steps" (though probably not nearly so cut and dry) which may take followers from a participant to a leader?
Here's a fantastic resource we are using in four formation groups as a communal experience of missional life.

As far as steps are concerned, I'm experimenting with MEWL: model, equip, watch, and leave. It's nothing new but in terms of missional life it helps followers of Jesus "come and see" what being sent in the power of the Holy Spirit to participate in the mission of God looks like, and it allows those not following Jesus to "come and see" the with-God life actively taking shape among them.

I've uploaded the Introduction, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 of the workbook linked above.
Chris--thanks for this resource!


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