Genesis Alliance has a
new Facebook page. Check it out and join! This is another great way to help raise awareness of and support for Genesis Alliance, the number one organization for helping churches plant missional, hispanic churches.
In the use of social media, people often make the mistake of only using one social networking outlet. This is a mistake because different people use different networks. Here is how some different media could help Genesis Alliance:
- Faceook hits the large, general audience of social media users
- Twitter hits the mobile phone users, and it is particularly used by church people and technology enthusiasts
- Missional Outreach Network - Hits a group highly interested in mission, helping to gain support with numerous churches and influential church leaders; also contains a significant Hispanic element
- MySpace particularly hits younger people, especially those interested in muisc (Genesis Alliance needs a jingle!)
How do you think online social media can be used to help promote and gain support for groups like Genesis Alliance?