Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America by Darrell L. Guder et. al

In Missional Church, the authors present a theological perspective of the church that will approach North America as a mission field. The church in North America has been intertwined with Christendom and assumed the culture was Christian. (continue reading review . . . ) The church adopted an attractional model, seeking to grow the church by offering the best religious goods and services. Mission was something done overseas, or if thought of locally at all, was only a part of the church’s efforts, energies, and budget. In contrast, Missional Church presents a view of the church where mission is “not something the church does . . . no, the church’s essence is missional.”

The authors build on the work of Lesslie Newbegin and others, basing the missional concept of the church upon the missio Dei (mission of God). God is by his nature a sending God. The Father sent the Son into the world, the Son sent the Spirit, and now the Son has sent the church (Jn. 20:21). The mission of the church is God’s mission, which is exemplified in the life of Christ. Various summary statements in the gospels indicate that Jesus’ ministry was composed of proclaiming the kingdom of God, teaching, and performing ministries of healing. Jesus called his disciples to be “salt” and “light” to the world—qualities which Jesus himself exhibited through his ministry.

By highlighting Jesus’ life, the authors provide a needed corrective to modern evangelical Christology and ecclesiology. Too often evangelicals have 1) viewed Christ’s healing ministries as being merely evidentiary; 2) failed to fully apply the “body of Christ” metaphor to the church; 3) ignored Christ’s proclamation of the kingdom of God.

The authors’ discussion of the kingdom of God is indeed one of the book’s highlights. While much of this discussion is a recapitulation of George Ladd’s work, the authors well bring out that the New Testament uses the language of “receiving” and “entering” the kingdom of God, not “building” or “expanding.” Building and expanding the kingdom of God are Christendom concepts, equating the kingdom of God with the church and making the kingdom of God a human endeavor.

The church’s actual role is to live dynamically under the reign of God and to exhibit the peace, love, and joy that come from living under God’s kingdom rule. Thus, evangelism becomes an invitation from the sent-out community to fellow travelers to assist their entrance into this graceful kingdom, rather than a crusade or conquest.

The authors do show a concern for moving from theology to actual expressions of the missional church by concluding with sections on missional leadership, equipping ministries, and church structure; however, they stay almost exclusively in the theoretical realm with little practical application. Furthermore, they over-generalize on structure, seeing no pattern at all in the New Testament. As a work of theology, however, Missional Church will well stand the test of time.

I can remember reading Missional Church for the first time in 2000. It had a profound effect upon me, and I said, "Yes. This is exactly what God calls the church to be."

What do you think of the book Missional Church?

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Hey, I thought that I would highlight this book. It is the seminal work on Missional Church, and it had a profound impact upon me. It is very theological, which has been the strength of missional thinking. Later works have tried to provide more practical application.

Who here has read it? What did you think?

Growing up in the the Lord's church, I thought all mission work was done in foreign countries! How wrong was that!

We definitely need another restoration movement like took place in Kentucky when Barton W. Stone, Alexander & Thomas Campbell, Raccoon John Smith, etc. went about trying to restore the Lord's church to the New Testament 1st Century church! Too many of us, me included have fallen away from the Lord's church for 5, 10, 15 or more years! We've left the reaching the lost to a preachers and a few others to do what we all are responsible for doing and that is striving to reach the lost! I refuse to waste any more years sitting on the sidelines, watching my friends and neighbors dying without the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What is it going to take to wake some of us up? Do we really want them to be lost? Do we really want to stand before Jesus and try to explain why we didn't have "answers" when the lost are asking us why are you smiling? Why are you always so happy? My prayer is that we take the Lord's commission personally and share the Gospel every time an opportunity presents itself! I am! I can't explain the feeling it gives a Christian to be able to share the simple, good news gospel to our friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.!! Let's not let our Lord's death be trivialized and made of no importance. Whether we serve our Creator or not, we are still His creation and He is the only one worthy and deserving to be served and worshiped, not our jobs, money, cars, homes or anything else! Let's be about our Fathers business and take back this country for Jesus Christ!

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