Missional Ministry in Today's Postmodern Culture


Missional Ministry in Today's Postmodern Culture

This group was created to share ideas, resources, and dialogue for those who want to understand how to do missional ministry in today's postmodern culture. Includes generational issues and discussion as well.

Members: 57
Latest Activity: Jan 18, 2016

OD728 SL 2008.pdf - Ministry in the Postmodern Matrix Syllabus (Fuller '08)
Mission Shaped Church.pdf - This is a missions report that Eddie Gibbs, author of ChurchNext and co-author of Emerging Churches, pointed our postmoderism class at Fuller towards. It gives an analysis and prediction of different forms of church, both old and new, for the future.

Websites cited in Mnistry in the Postmodern Matrix class at Fuller
Reclaiming the Mission - the website of David Fitch, church planter and author of The Great Giveaway
The Church and Postmodern Culture - This is a website sponsored by Baker Books.
Out of Ur - This interesting blog has a number of writers and contribors, including Scott McKnight.
Nooma - These are 10-12 minutes videos by Rob Bell, pastor at Mars Hill. They are thought provocative and experiential, usually covering daily Christian living.
Emergent Village - Emergent Village is a particular "brand" of the emerging church movement and is at the left end of the movement.
Tony Jones' Blog - Tony Jones is a controversial figure within the emerging church movement, considered to be on the left. He recently stepped down from his position at Emergent Village
Red Letter Christians - This is an evangelical movement that seeks to uphold the teachings of Jesus, particularly on social issues. They seek to not be beholden to the political left or the right.
Kairos LA - The website of the church that JR Woodward planted in East Hollywood.
Ecclessia Network - A relational network of churches, leaders, and movements to equip, partner, and multiply missional churches; Keith Matthews and JR Woodward are a part of this
A Primer on Today's Missional Church - A blog post of JR Woodward giving missional resources
The Association for Christian Character Development - A website of Dallas Willard and Dan Tocchini on transformation
The Ooze - Website created by Spencer Burke.

Additional Blogs/Sites on Postmodernism & MInistry
The Resurgance Blog - An outgrowth of the ministry of Mars Hill (Mark Driscoll). Driscoll and Mars Hill (Seattle) are considered to be on the right, fundamentalist end of the emerging movement. Suggested by Wes Woodell
Allelon - A fellowship of churches dedicated to reaching contemporary culture, establishing new communities of faith, and equipping existing churches. Suggested by Todd Spencer.

Discussion Forum

Millennials/Generation Y - 72% More Spiritual than Religious 2 Replies

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Aug 12, 2010.

The New Aggressive Atheism - Part 2 6 Replies

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Sep 16, 2011.

The New Aggressive Atheism - Part 1 4 Replies

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Sep 10, 2010.

Testimonial video shows the amazing power of "Tarvuism" (it's not what you think!) 4 Replies

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Jan 10, 2009.

What Spiritual Disciplines resources do you know of? 15 Replies

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Mar 12, 2009.

John MacArthur on Emerging Church & Soteriology (Salvation) 1 Reply

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Dec 1, 2008.

Mark Driscoll and the Emerging Church 9 Replies

Started by James Nored. Last reply by James Nored Dec 27, 2008.

Comment Wall


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Comment by James Nored on August 17, 2010 at 11:55pm
1 out of 8 Americans switched out of Christianity, new study says. http://ning.it/aHLUN9
Comment by James Nored on August 13, 2010 at 9:07pm
Here is an article from Kevin DeYoung-a Generation Y guy, I believe, on why churchless Christianity, as appealing as some may find this, is not biblical or realistic. The article is called "The Glory of Plodding."
Comment by Stanley N. Helton on March 11, 2009 at 9:31pm
Hey, James, I see you noted this already.
Comment by Stanley N. Helton on March 11, 2009 at 6:38pm
Also you all need to see:


if you have not.
Comment by Stanley N. Helton on March 11, 2009 at 5:41pm
Folks, I'm glad you enjoyed the article. I was not necessarily endorsing it, but thought it was provocative enough to create some discussion. In Canada, I can say that he is more on than off referring to the demise of Evangelicalism. I found him too optimistic regarding what might come from the ashes.
Comment by Lynn S. Nored on March 11, 2009 at 5:01pm
Indeed, the selling off of property is exactly where the seed money to found Genesis Alliance came from.
Comment by James Nored on March 11, 2009 at 4:56pm
As to the discussion on traditional churches, these will exists for a long time, albeit in twindling number. Despite their increasing ineffectiveness in reaching the current generation, many will cling to them out of habit, apathy, or because they are personally nurturing to them (even if they are ineffective in evangelism). Drawing on my biology background, simply because a new form evolves, this does not mean the original form dies out. As long as there is a "niche" that it fills, the original will continue.

It may be that traditional churches will fulfill their missional role mostly by planting new churches. Those that die may sell off their property to fund these efforts.
Comment by James Nored on March 11, 2009 at 4:49pm
Thanks, David, for your thoughts about New Zealand. While there has been a recent increase in atheism in the US, it it still an extremely small minority. The US was founded by religious pilgrims, who got down on their knees and thanked God when they arrived. In contrast, Alan Hirsch shared with us that when Australia was founded, these ex-cons burnt the ships and they all had an orgy.

I do not know New Zealand's story, but how a country is begun and the spirit in which it is begun does have a profound affect upon that country. I do not believe that the US will become highly secular, at least not in a European sense of scepticism towards and disinterest in non-material things. It will continue to be a "spiritual" society, even as it lives out materialism. The shift that will continue is the shift from "organized religion" to individual spirituality.
Comment by Lynn S. Nored on March 11, 2009 at 3:45pm
Hello David,
Good to hear from you. Please post want you can from the conference ""Towards a Kiwi-Made Preaching." It will be very interesting to hear what is said.
Comment by David Nelson on March 11, 2009 at 3:21pm
I also thought the article was interesting and sobering. It certainly contains much to think about. With the seismic changes taking place in our society and world, it is inevitable that it will affect the Church for good and bad - it always has. Being an observer of society and perceptively diagnosing its trends is one thing but predicting how to respond appropriately to it is another. I agree with Lynn that the way we have "done church" in the past will not impact society (generally) in the future but there will probably not be only one way "to do" church in the fture that should replace the way we have done church in the past. The church will probably need to be prepared "to do" church a number of ways because of the realities of our very postmodern and post-Christian societies.

On another note...we in New Zealand are much further down the post-Christian track than you in the U.S. I don't know the stats for New Zealander's but the numbers would be much lower for those who claim to have a Christian worldview. New Zealand society is much more agnostic and secular than U.S. society as a whole. The Evangelical movement here is smaller but robust. I am excited to be attending a seminar next month entitle "Towards a Kiwi-Made Preaching." The focus will address some of these same issues. How do Christians make an impact in New Zealand society?

Thanks for the interesting comments.

Members (57)


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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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"Bishop loves you"
Jul 7, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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