I've been talking to quite a few people at work and several of them have told me they are Baptist's of various types. I am trying to share Jesus Christ with my co-workers such as the ones mentioned. When it comes to trying to share with them I know from past experience that their views on baptism will come up. I have been praying and studying on the subject to be a better witness for Christ. I catch myself thinking how can they not see the role baptism plays in our salvation. I know we are baptized "into Christ", we are "buried with Him" in baptism, we rise up out of the "watery grave" of baptism a "new creature", and our baptism symbolizes our "death to sin" and our response to God from a clean conscience(1 Pet.3:21).

One has already told me he feels the Bible is subject to an individual's interpretation and hard to understand. While agreeing with him there are hard subjects but they are not to be subjects of personal interpretations but interpretations based on other scriptures that support or denounce a persons view. I don't feel the Gospel of Jesus Christ is hard to understand. I guess I get frustrated sometimes because of the "stumbling block" some make baptism to be.

Regardless, I will continue to plant the seeds of the Kingdom and share Christ with everyone I can.  I will continue to pray without ceasing for God to send me to people, acknowledging to Him that I am doing everything that day in His name, letting others see Christ through my service to them and God  receiving the glory He so richly deserves!!! I love sharing Him with others, knowing I am His and that He loves me, while His blood is continually flowing in my life, cleansing me of all my sin!(1 John 1:7)  I will fight the battles necessary to win souls for Christ!

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I am one who believes the proper response to one to get into Christ and be saved is through baptism.

There is a book entitled "Baptism In The New Testament" by G. R. Beasley Murray which has been very helpful to me to understand baptism.  ISBN: 0-8028-1493-X.  He is a British scholar in the Baptist faith who understands baptism as I do.  He looks at baptism from many angles.  I highly recommend this book.

Thank you! I'll check it out.

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