Please take a moment and read a post I made at my blog about A Vision for a New Church. Please be honest in evaluating what I posted and give me some pointers on how to be clearer. I would put the post here but it is long.

Is the vision clear?
Am I offending churches already established in our area?

I just posted the info here as one of my blog posts.

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Larry I took time to read your vision statement.

If you have a calling from God you need to do what you need to do. If you are trying to create something based on what people want, well, I wouldn't recommend that. I have read about the movement that you refer to though I thought it was called Calvary Chapel. It hit at a God ordained time for people with a hunger. I think that is something that is often missed. The people had a hunger and felt something missing.

Are the people in your area hungry for God? Are those not being reached because they are not hungry or because people are not connecting them to God for that hunger?

Before I did a vision statement I would look at calling and hunger.

From my understanding while the Calvary Chapel had great success in some places and by extension Vineyard when it split, that is not the case everywhere. We at times mistake a method or message and miss that it took hungry people for the Spirit to move.

my two cents.
All of what you shared are great two cents worth actually more like a dollars worth. In our small town there has been a vaccum of strong Biblical teaching so I would probably say people are not connecting because what they have seen in our community does not create a hunger for more of God. From those I have talked with they are hungry for something but because they have not seen the menu God offers they do not realize what they are hungry for.

In the training I went through at the Vineyard we studied all that you mentioned. Thank you for sharing what God placed on your heart to share.

Best regards


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