As I contemplated what to share this week, I was repeatedly drawn to Joshua for some reason. Here’s a little background on Joshua. He was with Moses and Israel in the desert wanderings after leaving Egypt. While it appears he was consider as one of the 70 elders of Israel and somewhat of a military leader, he was only referred to as Moses’ aide (Numbers 24). He helped Moses climb Mt Sinai to receive the Law and was with him when he descended to find the golden calf incident. He saw and heard the Israelites grumbling, their worshipping of Baal and witnessed first-hand the fear his fellow spies felt in entering and facing the inhabitants of Israel’s promise land. He saw how his people treated God and Moses, and He also saw the relationship God had with Moses. Consider these passages:
Deut 34:10-12
10-12 No prophet has risen since in Israel like Moses, whom GOD knew face-to-face. Never since has there been anything like the signs and miracle-wonders that GOD sent him to do in Egypt, to Pharaoh, to all his servants, and to all his land—nothing to compare with that all-powerful hand of his and all the great and terrible things Moses did as every eye in Israel watched.
Exodus 33:11
11 The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. (emphasis mine)
Imagine what Joshua might have felt in Deut 31 when he was told he would be Moses’ predecessor. I know I would have been scared to death! How do you follow someone like Moses…someone described as God’s friend, incomparable prophet and someone knowing God on such a personal level? That’s a hard act to follow now! Furthermore, when Israel swears their obedience to God through their obedience to Joshua, they have enough nerve to tell him in Josh 1:17, “Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you.” That’s not real comforting if you ask me. The Israelites track record hadn’t been real good, plus God goes so far to tell Moses and Joshua both in Deuteronomy 31 that Israel would fall away again under Joshua’s rule too!
While Joshua was full of the spirit and obviously courageously obedient, I do think he was at least apprehensive about his new leadership role, if not outright scared. I found 5 times that either God, Moses or BOTH of them tell Joshua to be strong and courageous. God says it, commands it and even says one time to be “very courageous.” What does that mean to us?
Have you been ever asked to take over a position that was vacated by someone who did a great job? Have you ever been asked to be in charge of a group of children (or adults) that weren’t exactly cooperative? Have you ever been asked to do something that just seemed like it was gonna be one battle right after another? Have you been asked to do something you felt completely unqualified for or not good enough to do? Or, have just ever dreaded doing something that you knew needed to be done, but you didn’t want to do it? I know my answer on all those questions! Well, God’s answer is “Be strong and courageous.” He picked you for a reason just as he picked Joshua. Joshua may have just started as a mere aide to Moses, after all Moses was likened to God and Aaron his prophet in Genesis 7, but God thought he was just the right man for the job and exalted him before an entire nation! Look at your life today? Are you facing something as insurmountable as leading thousands of unappreciative, disobedient people into an occupied land that will mean mounting a huge battle? Well yeah, me either. So let’s “be strong and courageous” in the face of our own battles we face in life. God told Joshua he would never leave him or forsake him as long as he strove to follow God’s law. That promise is for us too. So, next time you think someone might be a hard act to follow or your not up to the task at hand….Be strong and courageous because God chose you!

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Debra, the phrase "be strong and courageous" is repeated for a reason--we need this encouragement! Particularly during times of transition and new appointments, as Israel and Joshua faced. We need to tell this to one another as well.
The important thing for us to keep in mind when we face situations like Joshua faced in following the steps of Moses is that the strength and power to accompish the task lie with God, not with us. May we never forget this when we are faced with challenges in our lives! God is good! God is faithful! When our trust is in God His will will be accomplished.


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