We’ve all seen the insurance commercial or the coke commercial where one person does a kind act and a whole string of acts of kindness are generated from it. Well, that was just one of the thoughts I had this week after reading Joshua 2. The other thought is what I want to share with you today.

We’ve all read the story of Rahab, the harlot (prostitute) who helped hide the spies of Israel when they were checking out Jericho before they attacked it. What struck me about the story this time was in v 9 and 10. Depending on the version of the bible you are reading, she basically says, “I know God is going to give you the land because we have HEARD about you.” The first thing I thought was how in the world would the city of Jericho, much less a prostitute, hear about Israel and their God? Well in v 10 and 11 she answers that by saying all the things she (and others) had heard God had done for them….the Red sea, Egypt, the destruction of the Amorites. What she heard, affected her actions.

So what does that have to do with us? Our actions and behavior have the ability to affect people we know and maybe people we don’t even know. Even beyond that, our actions can make a statement to people we might think aren’t even watching. Who would have thought a prostitute would be affected by what God had done for a neighboring country? But she was. It caused her to make a good decision. The old adage, “Actions speak louder than words” is definitely evident here. As we go through our daily walk, Christians, non-christians and even those actively/deliberately practicing a sinful lifestyle are watching. What we do could cause them to make a history-altering decision. If a prostitute could be affected, who else could be?

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Debra, great thought. I remember one time I was on the phone with a computer repair representative. My laptop had broken--again! I spoke to him with irritation all throughout. Then it came time to have the compiter picked up. He asked me where I worked. I felt terrible as I told him, the Liberty Church of Christ.

Everyone is watching us--our kids, our neighbors, our co-workers. We may be the only Jesus they ever see.
In my workplace I am in a management position where by default alot of people are influenced by me (whether I like it or not). Unfortunately, bad language is a habit that some people who work around me have. When I came to work here about six years ago, and people noticed that I don't use bad language, they started making a conscious effort to not use bad language around me. Or, when they slipped, they would say "sorry about that" or "pardon my french". Now, I hear relatively little bad language around me. I suspect that perhaps they still use it when they are not around me but at least they respect the fact that since I don't use bad language they will try not to use it around me. And that is only one example. Thanks for this thought, Debra. We all need to be more aware of our influence in the workplace or wherever we are.
Debra, Thanks for the reminder.Due to having a blended family,I often have to hold back frustrations so the kids do not notice and when I do forget I try to make those teachable moments of how NOT to act.
I found it! This is really good. I guess the most recent example I can think of is with a friend of mine from work who was going through a divorce and having a really hard time. She hadn't been to church in a long time but asked if she could come with me. First of all, she was surprised that I was from the Church of Christ because I was "funny." Her impressions of the COC were that we were all judge-mental and superior, so she was pleasantly surprised when she visited our church. Because she lives so far away (Richardson), she's not attending regularly but is searching for a church home closer to her and is reviving her spiritual life with prayer and bible study. I think she had been wanting to do this long before she met me. All I did was encourage her.
Isn't that funny Lisa? I would have said the same thing..."All I did was encourage her", but its amazing how people are looking just for that one little thing. Way to go! Keep encouraging her! People who have gone through a divorce want to be in church they are just scared.

Lisa White said:
I found it! This is really good. I guess the most recent example I can think of is with a friend of mine from work who was going through a divorce and having a really hard time. She hadn't been to church in a long time but asked if she could come with me. First of all, she was surprised that I was from the Church of Christ because I was "funny." Her impressions of the COC were that we were all judge-mental and superior, so she was pleasantly surprised when she visited our church. Because she lives so far away (Richardson), she's not attending regularly but is searching for a church home closer to her and is reviving her spiritual life with prayer and bible study. I think she had been wanting to do this long before she met me. All I did was encourage her.
Encouragement goes a long way, doesn't it? You might find yourself going on a mission trip, going into ministry--or starting an online discussion group!

Debra said:
Isn't that funny Lisa? I would have said the same thing..."All I did was encourage her", but its amazing how people are looking just for that one little thing. Way to go! Keep encouraging her! People who have gone through a divorce want to be in church they are just scared.

Lisa White said:
I found it! This is really good. I guess the most recent example I can think of is with a friend of mine from work who was going through a divorce and having a really hard time. She hadn't been to church in a long time but asked if she could come with me. First of all, she was surprised that I was from the Church of Christ because I was "funny." Her impressions of the COC were that we were all judge-mental and superior, so she was pleasantly surprised when she visited our church. Because she lives so far away (Richardson), she's not attending regularly but is searching for a church home closer to her and is reviving her spiritual life with prayer and bible study. I think she had been wanting to do this long before she met me. All I did was encourage her.


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