I’m reading a daily devo book from Beth Moore called “Believing God Day by Day.” In one of the short devos she used the phrase “eternally significant moment.” It really struck me and caused me to think if I had moments in my life that I would call “eternally significant.” Then at church on Wednesday night I heard someone else mention something that made me think of it again. This speaker said, “If we kept a running transcript of everything we talked about during a day, how much of it would be about Christ?” And I added in my mind, how much of it would be eternally significant? That was a very sobering thought, after all, isn’t it all eternally significant? Everything we do and say has eternal significance! What if everyone’s words and actions were truly driven by that perception? Someone might say, “Well Debra, how does going to the grocery store have eternal significance or Putting a diaper on my baby or Teaching my students?” How do you look at someone in the grocery store? Do you see them flesh to flesh or spirit to spirit and smile? When you change a diaper do you see the soul that will be influenced by your actions for the years to come and pray for their future? Do you do the best job of teaching that you can because God gave you that talent and that calling? For those of us who are single, do we date with eternal significance in mind? Do we work for our boss or for God? None of us are perfect Romans 3:23 reminds us of that, but we are called to live a holy life, sanctified and set apart (2 Timothy 1:9). How do you live a holy life? Is it just something we do on Sundays or is it realizing the eternally significant moments every minute of our life? How we talk, laugh, argue, teach, shop, love, work…… I challenge myself and you today, to think of every moment of life as eternally significant. Not only does it put things in perspective, it will truly help you to be holy, sanctified and set apart as we are called to be.

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Debra, everything we do is spiritual. The choices that we make are spiritual choices. What we do. How we spend our time. And how we get there.

God is not just a Sunday thing, but an everyday relationship.
Another thing to think about as we look at eternally significant moments is that we don't know what will be signficant to someone else we come in contact with. Some act that we do or contact that we have with someone may influence them in ways that we don't think about at that moment, but they may have a long range impact on the other person. That's why we should take each opportunity we have to serve and love others as there may be good done that we don't think about or see at that moment, but it may have eternal significance to the person we came in contact with. As you well stated with teaching students or even changing a diaper. It's all about being servants and loving others.
I've been thinking about that lately because I realized the other day that I have some classes where I don't really know anyone. When I came back to school, I decided that I wasn't interested in making friends- that I had enough at home, and I was here to learn, not to socialize. I've recently realized that by not making an effort to get to know people, I'm actually avoiding them and being somewhat cold towards them. I might not feel like I need to make a lot of friends, but I need to think about people who might not have any friends and need someone to talk to. So lately I've been trying to put on a friendlier persona, because even something as simple as a smile can be eternally significant to someone who needs encouragement.


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