I saw a statement in a book this week that said this, “It doesn’t matter who hurt me, if God is there to heal me.” What a powerful statement and what a relief!

It reminded me of the story of when Jesus healed the man born blind in John 9:2f…”Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?” Jesus responded, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” That statement also made me think of how many times Jesus, after healing someone, told them to “Get up” or “Go”. Also, there were no residual side affects left to show from the person’s illness. What message is there in those parables for us? I think there a few things I have learned from them.

I don’t know about you all, but when something goes wrong in my life, especially when I’m hurt by someone, I want to know why. It seems its human nature to always try to find a reason for things that happen. I think it’s because we like to feel in control. But the reality is even if we were to know why things happen, it wouldn’t make us feel any better or lessen the feelings we have experienced from that situation. God is the only person who knows why things happen the way they do. We can’t understand everything even if we wanted to because God tells us His ways are not our ways (Is 55:8). But, what we CAN know is this:

1. Jesus is there to heal us EVERYTIME and COMPLETELY HEAL US if we just look to Him.
2. We also know that God can be glorified through us through that situation!
3. Jesus wants us to GET UP and GO!

Those people following Jesus in John 9 when He healed the blind man were too concerned with WHY he was blind. Many people PASSED BY a lame man who needed help to get into the healing water of the Bethesda pool (John 5). Men TRIED to help the paralytic in John 9 but in the end could only bring the paralyzed man to Jesus. Later, when people saw who had been healed, there was no evidence they had ever been afflicted with anything. What do we see here? JESUS IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN COMPLETELY AND FULLY HEAL US and HE WANTS US TO GET UP AND GO WHEN HE HAS.

Friends, it really doesn’t matter who hurt you or if you even understand why you are hurting, what matters is JESUS CAN HEAL YOU and YOU CAN MOVE ON, NOT AS A SHELL OF THE PERSON YOU ONCE WERE EITHER….COMPLETELY HEALED. Just ask.

DISCUSSION: Can you think of an instance in which you were hurting and thought you just couldn't go on, only to look back and see God at work in that situation?

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Replies to This Discussion

Debra, Jesus is the one who can heal us. While I have of course been hurt at times, I never have felt like I could not go on. But I know that there are those who do. If I lost one of my daughters, I don't know how I would go on. I suppose it would have to be Christ. He is the only one who can make sense out of life. That is the beauty of the cross-that God can take something terrible and redeem it.
Debra, I not only was in a family situation before where I was hurt and thought I couldn't go on but there was someone else involved who was also hurting (though I don't know if they felt like they couldn't go on or not). I repented and went to Christ asking for healing and forgiveness, and received both and so much more. I got a whole new lease on life with a whole new way of thinking and looking at life itself. Not only was the family situation resolved in a positive way, my faith was restored and I consider that time to have been a real turning point in my life for Christ. I was raised in the church and knew all the right answers to all the questions, etc., but for the first time I was looked to develop my own faith and my own relationship with God. Looking back, God definitely used that hurting time in my life to move me into a position to become a more involved servant in the Kingdom and to not only help myself but help others in the process. Thanks for another thought provoking devotional, Debra.


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