As I read 1 kings 19 tonight I was struck by the gentleness and understanding with which God dealt with Elijah when he was literally at the end if his rope. In verse 4 Elijah is literally ready to die and give up on life due to fear anger and discouragement. I've been there. Have you? And God instead of berating him with statements about his lack of faith, he let's Elijah sleep and then feeds him...twice. He let him rest and then nourished him. Then when God appears to Him, again He does not do it with the heavy hand of wind earthquake or fire but with a gentle whisper. And He tells Him there will be people to protect him and eventually relieve him of his tiresome and arduous task of prophesying to a belligerent Israel. What can we learn from this? God understands when we are so tired we don't want to go on. Don't be afraid to tell Him bc he already knows. Tell Him and let him minister to you bc that's what He wants to do. Feed you. Restore you. Relieve you. May you find help through Elijah's example. I know I have.

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Thanks, Debra! It is great to see you writing again! I find the story of Elijah that you cite here to very encouraging. It shows that God's leaders can experience incredible lows. And it shows God ministering to Elijah through the angel and by encouraging him to rest, eat, sleep, and remember that he is not alone. 

Here is a sermon that I preached on this very passage, entitled, "Joy in the Midst of Trials."

Joy in the Midst of Trials from James Nored on Vimeo.

Thank you Brother for this inspiring message!  thank you for sharing this . 

Thank you sister for your good article .


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