When I was in Oklahoma over break, my family went to a local restaurant for dinner. It was just a small, local diner and my family took up two booths. Long story made short, we all ordered at the same time, but one booth of our family got their food, while it was over 30 minutes later the rest of our family got their food……cold. Our food had been sitting up on the warmers for 30 minutes. Everyone in the diner had their food and ate it, yet it never dawned on the waitresses who the food belonged to. They even said, “Well, we were wonderin’ who that order went to…” AAAAHHHH!

When I got back to work I heard my friend’s nightmarish experience she had dealing with Best Buy. I then witnessed my friend, Jennifer, be needlessly put through the ringer by AT&T over the course of two days. Ironically, the problem was easily resolved by a wonderful, but different customer service representative at a store she had been to just 24 hours prior. One employee on one day caused a huge problem, while a different employee easily resolved the same problem on the next day. How could this happen? Same store, same problem, different people, different results? Where have the days gone of “The customer is always right?”

I think there are many reasons contributing to the lack of customer service in the service industry, but unfortunately, I also think it is a sign of our society. As parents, teachers and even coaches, we are told we need to praise children in order not to damage their fragile self-esteems. Everyone gets a “Good Job” or “Atta Boy” at seemingly every turn. Praises are loosely given at tasks that should have been done well regardless. We no longer understand the true concept of being a servant.

Having the attitude and mindset of a servant is a huge topic in the Bible. Just in my measly concordance there were at least 100 references to service. I think the passage that got my attention the most was in Luke 17. In verse 9-10, Jesus tells His disciples, “Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants for we have only done our duty.’” What does this verse mean? It is easy, in a way, to be obedient; to simply do what you are told. It is a completely different thing to be obedient and then do more than what is asked of you and do it with excellence. In Matthew 5:40f, Jesus tells us that if someone wants your shirt, give him your coat. If someone asks you to walk a mile with them, walk two. I like pats on the back as much as anyone, but no pats should be given for just doing what you should do. In today’s society though, we are lucky to find customer service representatives that do the minimum, much less embrace and enjoy their service to others.

We have all said, “Let me talk to someone who can fix this then” when we’ve been faced with lack-luster service. Usually, when we have inconvenienced “the management” then service is given. In Matthew 24:46 Jesus speaks to the wise and faithful servant who is doing his master’s will even in His absence. I want to encourage you to go above and beyond in your service to others. Having a servant’s heart can been seen, not just in service projects or community service, but in our everyday tasks at work, school and home. Husbands, if your wife asks you to pick up your clothes, pick up your clothes and make the bed. Wives, if your husband asks you to bring him a soda while he’s watching TV, bring him a soda in his favorite cup and a pillow or blanket too. I know it sounds silly, but how do you feel when someone does a little extra for you? How does God feel when He sees you do more than expected for those around you? I’ll tell you what Proverbs 14:35 says God feels, “A king delights in a wise servant, but a shameful servant incurs his wrath.”

In closing, I’d like you to think about the ultimate Servant, Jesus Christ. It is impossible to imagine the riches, beauty and glory Jesus gave up to wash the feet of mere men, and then to let Himself be killed by us. When we do something wrong, Jesus blood cleanses us and makes those sins invisible to God. He stands by God in service to us. It’s as if Jesus is saying to God, “The customer, the Christian, is always right…always right with you, Father. Thank Jesus for providing you with the ultimate in customer service. Honor and Glorify our Heavenly Father by going above and beyond for those around you today.

Can you think of an everyday activity in which you can do just a little better job in serving others?

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Replies to This Discussion

Debra, great illustrations here. And so true about the over-affirmation. What kind of society will we have where everyone gets a medal--even if their team absolutely stunk? Probably the world that we have, where people try out for American Idol who can't sing, and obviously their mother and father never told them that. No one every told them that.

Anyway, to your larger point, I often think I deserve a medal for doing things as a father or husband. It is nice to be appreciated, but really, this is what I ought to do!
Believe me I love pats on the back. I think so many times we do something nice to get something in return, when in reality, we should do something nice because its the right thing to do. After all, we could never match Christ's customer service.
I am a manager in the business in which I work. Of course, having said that, it would be thought that the employees who work under my supervision would be expected to do what I say, etc., and they might be considered the ones to be serving me in a way of thinking. Wrong! While in an organizational sense they do what I instruct them and need for them to do to accomplish the tasks to be done, as a Christian I need to be sensitive to opportunities that God provides where I can serve them, either on a professional basis or on a personal basis. Sometimes I get too hung up on what I need, whatever the issue of the moment is that I am focused on at the time. There are occasions when my employees may have something else in their life outside of work that needs attention, that I can help with, and I need to make myself be more aware of those opportunities. I believe that's what sharing the goodness of Christ with those around me is all about. May God forgive me of the opportunities I pass up because of my selfishness. May God bless you for helping us to think about the ultimate servant who we all must emulate, Jesus Christ our Lord!
Steve, you have such a servant heart. Keep modeling Christ to your employees. You can have an incredible impact upon their lives. God may have placed you there for "such a time as this!"


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