Who are you?

For those of us who are on Facebook, you might have noticed the recent explosion of personality quizzes. I’ve seen quizzes like, “What color are you?” “What animal is your spirit guide?” “What personality type are you…choleric, sanquine, etc.” I’ve even seen one asking “Which Bible Character are you?” Heck, there’s even an application that allows you to design your own quiz asking others “How well do you know me?” Like many of you, I have taken a few of these myself. I guess I think these quizzes are kind of fun. If you are like me, you take the quiz, then read the results to see if they are what you think they should be. I mean, have you ever read the results and thought, “Wow, they were dead on or dead wrong”? What really causes us to take these quizzes over and over? Could there be a deeper reason these quizzes have caught on and created such a fad? I think that is completely possible.

I have found that most people are in 1 of 2 states in their lives. They are either 1) content with who they are as a person or 2) are completely dissatisfied with themselves as a person. Very rarely do you find a person who is truly content with the person they have become. Now let me say this upfront, I believe it is totally acceptable and even God-encouraged to be bettering ourselves and becoming the best person we can be, and the person God intended us to be. BUT, have you ever met someone who had no concept of who they were or what they stood for? Better yet, have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?” I think often times we take those quizzes maybe, just maybe, hoping we can find out something about ourselves we didn’t know. We hope that maybe we are a little happier than we thought or a little more outgoing like our friend or more generous like that person over there or whatever else it is we hope we are or are not. Could we be looking for, or hoping not to find, something we like/dislike about ourselves? Furthermore, we look at others’ “quiz results” hoping to get more insight into that person or so we can say, “Ha, I told you you were like that!” Maybe we need a friendly reminder to not look at ourselves or others through random quizzes, and instead look at ourselves and others through God’s eyes and His ultimate looking glass, the Bible. Who does God say that we are?

Rom 10:12 says we are BLESSED. “The same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him” and Psalms 29:11 says, “…the LORD blesses his people with peace.” We are EXALTED according to Psalms 18:48. He says in Philippians 3:21 that “WE WILL BE like his GLORIOUS body” and that we are “PURIFIED” in 1 John 1:9. Romans 3:24, “and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” says we are JUSTIFIED. Romans 5:9 says we are JUSTIFIED and SAVED. But the most important thing isn’t who we are, but WHO’S we are…….Romans 8:17, Galatians 3:29, Ephesians 3:6 and 1 Peter 3:7 all tell us who we are!

Rom 8:17
“Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
Did you hear that? We are HEIRS! The dictionary defines “heir” as:
a person who legally succeeds to the place of a deceased person and assume the rights and obligations of the deceased, as the liabilities for debts or the possessory right to the property; a person who inherits or is entitled to inherit the rank, title, position of another.

If we look at that definition in terms of what the Bible calls us, we get to go to the place of Jesus, we will take “possession” of heaven with Him and share in His rule of heaven also! Does it really matter if I’m a red, choleric whose spirit guide is the Bear and that only 3 of my 10 friends truly know me?

As we go into summer, it is a time of relaxation, refreshing and recovering. I encourage you to get into the Word and see yourself as God sees you…as HIS! We are sinners, who have been purified, sanctified, justified and who will be glorified when Jesus comes to take his relatives home!

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Debra. It's good to have you back writing here! This is, I think, your best post yet. Your thought that all of the quizzes that people are taking on themselves shows that people are looking for identity is "spot on," as my Australian friends would say. Where do we find our identity? In Christ.

Advertising and materialism seeks to provide identity, purpose, and meaning in life. We need identity somewhere--will we find it in the right person? (Jesus)
Awesome....Jim Schwalls


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