Genesis Alliance seeks to help start healthy, reproducing Hispanic churches that begin with this type of DNA. So how, then, is this model for churches different from existing Hispanic churches in the US?

So many Hispanic churches are housed within an anglo church building, often with significant financial support. And yet--while not always--often times, these churches fail to grow. Five years later, few new people are reached for Christ, and the Hispanic church is still dependent upon the anglo church for support. Why do you think this is?

What problems are faced in existing Hispanic churches that hinder the mission? For those who are familiar with this, either as a Hispanic or one who has worked with Hispanic churches, what issues do you see?

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James wrote, "So many Hispanic churches are housed within an anglo church building." This is true. But I think there is where lies the problem. There is a different model that I have seen which to me seems to me to be the most biblical.

I served with an inner-city congregation in Oklahoma City for four years. We did not have a Hispanic ministry because we did not have a White, or African-American or Asian ministry. We simply had the church and her ministries. Everyone was a part of the same body. We often minimize the life of a portion of our body, in many cases a group of brothers of a certain ethnic population, because we view it (them) simply as another ministry among many. Our church was united. The only thing we did not do as a group were Bible classes. Everything else: sermons, Lord Supper, worship, potlucks, announcements, assemblies - everything was bilingual.

Another case that I have seen is my home church in Denver. The church is one body with two services in different languages. Both language groups interact regularly but the Hispanic members are a part of the whole church just as much as the Anglo members are a part of the church. We have one minister who is bilingual and two elders who are also bilingual. The congregation has seen steady growth thanks to the support of all the members.

In my opinion (OJO: I have more experience in Latin America than in the U.S.), many Hispanic churches do not see a great amount of growth because 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics feel more comfortable worshipping in English, one reason being that many do not even speak Spanish. In the second model mentioned above, the Hispanic members who do not speak Spanish or feel more comfortable with a more diverse group of people (not only Anglo-Americans but also African-Americans, Asians, Europeans, etc.) can easily transition into the English-speaking service.

These are just a few ideas.

No me considero un experto, para nada y me gustaria saber que piensan las personas que tienen mas experiencia en esto. Creo que hay muchos modelos que son buenos y quizas diferentes modelos sirven para diferentes circunstancias. Me emociono mucho viendo desde aqui en el Sur como se esta evolucionando la iglesia hispana alla en EE.UU. Cada vez que me voy por alla yo veo que ha crecido mucho, gracias a Dios! Sigan adelante mis hermanos que dedican su diaria labor a edificar una iglesia hispanohablante en EE.UU. Que Dios les bendiga.
Eighty-three percent ) of Latinos who left a previous religious experience did so to "find a relationship with God". (Pew research) We have to be careful not to replicate the same experience. I am afraid that Anglo brethren have been well-meaning in providing what we thought to be beneficial resources to the Latino brethren-many who may be new converts. We gave them a leader (preacher) who acted in many ways as clergy and allowed the others to retain the idea and role of laity. This baggage is found not just among Latinos, but in many churches whether they want to admit it or not. We have, however, created a sense of co-dependency when the support just keeps flowing down the hall to the "other room" where the brethren who speak another language practice business as usual. Church planting with Genesis Alliance is geared where the planted church will plant another church that will plant a church. Each is encouraged to become self-supporting as soon as possible. I am excited about what God is doing. Florida is the next "hot spot". We already have a committment from Bradenton to plant Latino churches in their area along with the support and encouragement from area churches. Let's buckle up and get ready for the ride of our lives!
I remember when I lived in Peru I started attending to Christian celebrations, and whe I was there I did not know the real meaning to be a Christian, to be baptized or what God really wanted me to do with my life. I felt different and good praising Him and praying in a way I never did before. I am also refering to Latin-American churches if I speak about problems, I think one of the problems these churches are facing is the lack to acknowledge people about what really means to be a Christian and to live a life in God. I think almost all the people who started going to church with me stopped coming out for some reason, maybe the leaders never kept up with us and our small knowledge of Christianity didn't help us much to think further. When you have a small group of people in a congragation, leaders need to watch over their groups and make sure they understand the meaning of being there and why are you doing it.


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