David Watson and CPM (Church Planting Movement) use a method of Bible study called the 3 Column Discovery Bible Study.
. Here is an excerpt from this blog post describing the methodology.
Select a passage for study. It’s important that you choose a text which contains an entire thought — a paragraph (or group of) for instance. This method works best with 4-12 verse sections.
Start with prayer, that the Spirit will guide you to an understanding of the words you read, that he will help you apply it to your own life, AND that he will empower you to be obedient to God’s words for you. [You may want to pray even before selecting a text.]
Divide a piece of paper into three columns — horizontally, vertically, hot dog, hamburger, whatever you like.
In the first column, write out the text word for word. I know it seems silly, but it’s important.
In the second column, you should rewrite the passage in your own words— as if you were explaining it to someone else. Don’t dwell on other texts and familiar verses as you study. Instead, try to understand the words of this particular passage, in its own context, in the simplest way possible.
In the third column, write what you’ve learned about God, his church, etc. AND (this is important) write what you should do in response to what you’ve understood. Write these responses as “I will…” statements, andbe specific – not “I will be more generous this week,” but “I will cheerfully give to each and every person who asks me for help this week, whether it be my money or my time.”
Share what you’ve learned about God and life with someone else, and share with them the commitments you’ve made in response. Ask them to hold you accountable to be obedient to God’s word in these areas, and to pray for you as you seek to become who God wants you to be.
This methodology, in conjunction with other elements from the Church Planting Movement, has worked especially well in the foreign mission field. Mission fields like Africa and India have close knit family units that are hierarchical, and the gospel spreads very quickly in these conditions using this method. Those in typical white, suburban culture are disconnected and have very weak family structures.
Still, I like this approach, particularly the emphasis upon application, community learning, and prayer. I am planning on trying this methodology out in our small group after we complete the Story of Redemption. Another reason why I like it is that it lowers the need for have a great teacher--which can increase the rate of multiplication. Sixto Rivera, the executive director of Genesis Alliance, a Latino church planting organization, is also incorporating the Discovery Bible study into their church planting methodology. Latino culture is more closely tight knit, so it may work very well there.
What do you think of the 3 column Discovery Bible Study method? What do you think are its pros and cons?