The Story of Redemption is an evangelistic Bible study for today's postmodern culture. It is designed especially for those with little biblical background who are hurting or seeking.

Part 1: Creation - Is This the World God Intended?
Part 2: The God of Grace - What Kind of God Do We Serve?
Part 3: Faith and the Promise to Abraham - What Does It Mean to Trust God?
Part 4: Jesus' Life, Birth, and Ministry - What if God Were One of Us?
Part 5: The Radical Life of a Disciple - How Does God Want Me to Live?
Part 6 - The Road to the Cross - Why Did Jesus Die?
Part 7: Jesus' Trial and Crucifixion - The Price is Paid
Part 8: Taking Hold of the New Life - The Resurrection

Download the electronic version of the Story of Redemption
Virtually every person who has gone through this study has been baptized!
This discussion group is a forum for telling stories of people with whom we have had Bible studies or of people with whom we are studying, particularly using the Story of Redemption. By sharing these stories we can gain insights on how to share faith with others, raise awareness of studies that are going on with others, and ask for prayers for these studies.

So, wherever you are in a study, please share, encourage us, and let us encourage you!

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Right now I am studying with a young man named Russell. We are going through the Story of Redemption together. (See Russell began the study not sure of Christianity or the divinity of Christ. There were many struggles that he had with God, caused in large part by the loss of his father to cancer while Russell was in high school.

Last night we finished part five of the Story of Redemption, which goes through the Sermon on the Mount and talks about discipleship. Through this study, the influence of his fiance, and the church community, he is now much further along the pathway of faith. In fact, last night he talked about wanting to be a person that can help others and even be a leader in the church. It has been great seeing him grow in this way. Please be praying for this study!
My son Jeff is studying with his girlfriend, who I would say is totally unchurched and has little information on the Bible. One of the options I have suggested to him for studying with her is the Story of Redemption, as it tells the Redemption story in a non-threatening, yet comprehensive way. I am praying for her understanding of the Word and will update the progress of this study as more information becomes available to me.
Steve, thank you for sharing this. I'll be praying for Jeff and his girlfriend! Many a person has converted his or her boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. Please keep us abreast of this so that we can know how to continue to pray for them.
Last week Russell, his fiance, Deanna, and I met and went through part 6 of the Story of Redemption. Russell and Deanna were touched by the story of Jesus' trial and betrayal, and the abandonment and loneliness that Jesus faced.

We will be going through part 7 tonight on Jesus' death, which is always powerful.

I'll catch the election results when I get back home. I love election nights, and I've followed this election for two years--but everything for the Lord! Please pray for our study.
My study with Russell and Deanna went well on Tuesday night. We were all moved by Jesus' death on the cross as we went through part 7 of the Story of Redemption. One of the sub-stories that we looked at was the story of Peter's denial of Christ. We saw how Peter wept bitterly after denying Christ three times, while Judas, who betrayed Jesus, committed suicide. Peter would go on to be used by God, preaching the gospel on Pentecost.

I asked Russell and Deanna how they could be used by God, despite mistakes in the past. Russell cited helping people deal with grief, and the questions about God that this causes for those who have lost loved ones. He also talked about helping those who have intellectual questions, with two things to share with those who have these questions. First, there are reasons for the Christian faith--one can be a Christian without throwing his or her brain away. Second, some questions simply cannot be answered and don't really matter.

I encouraged Russell and Deanna to watch the Passion of the Christ, which Russell has not seen. Let's be praying for them.
Deneen,Linda and I are studying with Kristie( this week was our 3rd week). It is amazing the changes that are occuring in her life. She is starting to reconnect with family,getting trained to help out in the office where her husband works and overall has a great outlook on her reconnection with God. She is studying the Redemption Story by James N. She works with her husband on the weekends but is enjoying the sermons thru High Pointe's web site. This is a great tool for those that are not able to come to a service.I also sent her an invite to this website. Kristie offered to volunteer at the church so I am picking her up on Tuesday to help with the Angel Trees. We will continue this story every time we meet with her. She has truly touched all our hearts and we are so thankful for this opportunity. Please keep Kristie in your prayers.
Teresa, what a wonderful story. And now Christie has joined the network! Clearly, God is at work in her life, and is working through you, Linda, and Deneen. I can't wait to meet Christie and hear her story.

Thank you for all that you do!
Tonight, Russell, Deanna, and I went through part eight of the Story of Redemption. This part of the story covers Jesus' resurrection and baptism.Russell had many good questions about the resurrection and the authorship of the gospels. Ultimately, he decided that there was good reasons for believing the resurrection, and that he accepted it on faith.

In addition to explaining the resurrection, the offer of forgiveness, and the indwelling of the Spirit, I talked about how baptism was also a decision to live a life dedicated to God and being a part of his mission. And when I asked what Russell thought about making this decision, he said that he wanted to be baptized. Praise God! And Deanna clearly wants to rededicate her life to God.

I am so excited for this young couple. As they have drawn closer to God, they have drawn closer to one another. And both can be mightily be used by God. Part of Russell's participation in the mission of God will be helping people who have intellectual questions about the faith or who have suffered loss in their families. Deanna can help those who have wandered from the faith and struggled with many things. God is incredible, and he will use this couple in mighty ways!
This is great news....................... Let me know when the baptism is.


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