God is at work! I have been corresponding with a man named Tim who visited our church at Easter time. He checked out our website and saw that we have a divorce recovery ministry. This interested him as he is going through a divorce.
I told him that we were starting a Celebrate Recovery ministry as well. Today, he called, saying that he wanted to come to Celebrate Recovery. He had a concern, however, that he did not know enough about the Bible to come, as he had not been to church much at all in his life. He had the same concern about being in a regular Bible class.
I told him about the Story of Redemption, a Bible study that begins at the very beginning of the Bible and assumes no Bible knowledge. He was interested in this, and we are planning to start our study this Thursday at 10:00 AM. I will be looking for a couple of people (hopefully guys) to go through this with us. Having another Christian or two is really an essential part of this study process, as it helps people to see and experience the love of the Christian community.
I am excited about what God is doing here. Celebrate Recovery has not even begun yet, and already it is helping us to share God's love with others.
How have you seen divorce recovery and celebrate recovery type ministries help reach people for Christ?