Small Group collects cans (with their kids) for food pantry at Brookshire's!

On Sunday, members of our small group collected in front of the Brookshires grocery store.(yes, it was a bit warm) I think we had awesome success. 2 grocery baskets full plus at leat $69 donated.
Once we stocked the shelves, we went back to Brookshires to use the donated money to fill out what was still be lacking in the food pantry.
Thanks to Suellen for setting up especially since she had no idea what we did last time.
Thank to Kiera for our wonderful signs.
Thanks to Tanya for making emergency copies of our fliers and suggesting we also have a cash donation jar, I think we had many more cash donations because of that.

We had 2 girls and a mom who had been to the store, went to the movies, and came back to purchase donations for us. She also inquired as to whether this was an ongoing list so she cound donate later.

Today (Wed, July 15th) We gave away 42 bags in the first hour.
I will post before and after pictures of the pantry. It goes so fast.

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Here is a before and after picture from the food pantry. Before - the pantry looks pretty full. After - We put together 32 of the 42 bags we gave out today. As you can see, we are helping many people each week in this ministry. We feel blessed to be a part of it. As you can see we are always in need of groceries so keep the donations coming each week.

Paula, please tell those in your small group thank you for their time and efforts. There is such a need, and we appreciate their helping to fill that need and by letting others have a part in this ministry. Bless you all.


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