Today we started with 60 Food Bags, then later made approximately 10 more.  We anticipated the number of bags required to decrease with summer's end, but thus far, that's not been the case.
There seems to be a significant increase in new people requesting food bags.  Lots of new faces, but also many of the same weekly faces.

A very attractive and well dressed young woman came in. She caught my eye, as she was very quiet and subdued.  She was also pregnant.  I couldn't help but wonder what circumstances would bring her to us, and said a special, quick prayer for her and her baby.  Oh how blessed we are, and oh what we take for granted!

Then alas, we had to turn away a "Greedy",  who had been abusing our benevolence for quite some time.  I'm sure all Food Pantries have been faced with this a time or two, confirming the need for prudent review of Food Bag Recipients.


Views: 18

Replies to This Discussion

Zonda, thank you for sharing this. You mentioned the attractive, well-dressed woman who came in. The economic recession has caused many middle class people, who never needed help before, to ask for help. There but for the grace of God go I, as the saying goes.


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