Woman helped from food pantry ministry gets a job and begins tithing to the church

Below is a powerful story from Linda Hardin who works in the food pantry ministry at High Pointe, about someone who was helped through this ministry.


Ramona came into the church office on Monday. I recognized her and wondered why she was coming for food on Monday instead of our normal food pantry days of Wednesday and Thursday. Maybe she was going to ask for assistance to pay a bill like so many other people who stop by. Ramona walked to my desk and said the most unusual thing. She said "thank you".

Week after week at High Pointe we feed and clothe those in need and pray they are blessed by our efforts. Sometimes our regulars quit coming and we hope that means they have found employment and can support their families on their own. We are thankful that God has allowed us to bless them during a difficult situation and we don't expect anything in return. But it's such a blessing to us when someone comes back to share good news. Ramona had good news. She got a job! I remembered her telling me last week that she was going for a second interview and I told her I would pray for her. She took me at my word and had no doubt that it was God who answered her prayers.

As this quiet, shy woman looked me in the eyes she handed me an envelope. On the front of the envelope the word "tithe" was written. As she placed it in my hands, tears started flowing from her eyes as she told me how thankful she was to God for answering our prayers and she wanted to give something back to Him out of her first paycheck.

Here is Ramon’s letter to High Pointe:

Praise be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Ramona and I just received my first paycheck from my new job and I can’t wait to give the Lord’s store house. High Pointe ministry has fed and clothed me and my family for months but most important were the “prayer.” The minister that hand out the sacks of food always wanted to know our prayer request even though the experience is quite humbling and I sometimes wanted to just say thanks and leave.

Please never stop asking because ultimately it is “prayer that changes things.” High Pointe has been the most wonderful “Jesus” to us. Thank you!! Oh, yeah! I need to finish by bringing my whole tithe to the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house.”

Is there any doubt that God is at work in the world and amongst his people? Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!

Isn't that an amazing story?! Thank you, Linda, for sharing this, and thank you for your heart for this ministry.

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this is wonderful. the major reason why we help people is to empower them and help them learn the benefits in in giving to a noble cause
That is wonderful! Also this week in the Clothes Closet, Brenda came in and told me that she got the job we had prayed about! She came in looking for scrubs for her new job! She was beaming!


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