Argentina #7 “You only get what you give away”

It’s our last night in Cordoba, Argentina and Rebecca and I came back to the building to do some paperwork. As Rebecca caught up on some things I listened to my mp3 player. This line was in one of the songs, “You only get what you give away.” Of course that song was talking about love, but it struck me how true that is when you participate in missions like “Let’s Start Talking.” As Christians, we spend most of our lives seeking to feel and accept God’s love for us. I can tell you, when you freely give of your love, time and knowledge of God with others, it comes back four-fold!

In the 8 short days Rebecca and I have been here, we have read with 14 individuals totaling close to 53 hours in Bible study. Joaquin, a 19 year old, will be getting baptized soon. Christian, the seeking soul, had been conspicuously absent from reading with Jacquie the last year but has returned and offered himself and his family to help Jacquie with others in need in the community. Many other seeds have been planted and will continue to grow as Jacquie, the local missionary, will be reading with 17 people on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays after we leave.

Our party Thursday night was so much fun my words can not even do its justice. We played spoons, balloon war for those under 40 and those over 40, and musical chairs. The competition was fierce in all of those games. People laughed so hard and had so much fun! It had been Flag Day in Argentina when we got here, so our readers shared the history of their flag and sung their national anthem for us. Rebecca and I did so as well with our flag and anthem. It was an awesome learning experience!

As we leave here, we both realize how privileged we have been to serve with women like Jacquie Mitchell and Nune Tolosa. Both women have selflessly dedicated their lives to serving and growing the church here in Cordoba. These two women have remarkable stories of hardship, survival and an unmatched appreciation and understanding of God’s love and grace. Our lives will be better for knowing and serving with them.

Thank you to our friends, family and church family for you support and encouragement. While we will “cry out” for Argentina, we will not “cry” for them, because we know God’s hand is there!

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