Of course one might conclude the root causes are fear and/or a lack of faith. But, more specifically what do you think might keep one from sharing 2 or 3 weeks in another culture their English language and more importantly, Jesus. Is it:
1) Can't afford it
2) Don't have the time
3) The children
4) Don't like being where I don't understand others language
5) I don't speak another language so how can I do that
6) My job
7) My spouse
8) I don't know how to teach someone and I think I have to
9) Foreign travel scares me as I have never been out of the country
10) I don't like flying
11) I have other ways of serving
12) I don't have the time to do the training
13) I might have to go with those I don't care for
14) I only want to go to specific places
15) I don't think I would be able to do this
16) I don't like foreign food or culutres
17) I have health issues
18) I am afraid I might get sick and then what
19) I have people ( parents relatives, etc) that I am responsible for and cant leave them
20) I just don't want too!

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Replies to This Discussion

I've heard people argue that we should focus more on the local missional field...which is valid. In some ways, it can be easier to share our faith in a foreign country. For me, I found that my work with LST made it easier to talk about Jesus with my friends back home. But some people are already comfortable with that, so I can certainly respect the wishes of people who don't want to do mission work abroad.
Courtney, you are on to something. Studies show that those who go on short term mission trips are more supportive of local outreach when they return. They probably find it easier to share their faith locally as well. These trips really can transform a person. I'm glad that you are going!
People say it will cost too much. They just can't imagine how God can work. They don't believe that following the LST program will bring in the money they must have. Some churches decide not to have and LST project because they say they will have to give too much to support those who don't raise enough funds.

For training in personal work, for instilling enthusiasm in participants for both missions and personal work, for life-long results in the people who GO as well as the people they read the Bible with, I know of no program that has such powerful, long-lasting good results.

And it produces missionaries among the most surprising people.

D'Anne Blume


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