VBS at Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla. (HAB photo)

Vacation Bible School is a great ministry. We are preparing one right now. My kids have always enjoyed it. And certainly, it gets a lot of people involved, or has in the past.

But it might surprise some to know that VBS was originally a pretty outwardly focused event. (See this post on the origins of VBS.) Today, unfortunately, VBS (if put on at all) has become a pretty inwardly focused event.

So how can we make VBS more outwardly-focused/evangelist/missional? Here are 5 ideas.

  1. Have your most outgoing, evangelistic members serving as registry/greeting type of people. These people should be free to roam the lobby and meet and greet, or get contact information at registration and ask engaging questions about the person and their family. And by greeters, I don't just mean those that open the doors, though that is an important job. I mean those that actually talk to visitors and make them feel welcome.

  2. Offer a next step for VBS visitors and their families. Preferably, this is something needs based, like a child safety class, how to protect kids from Internet pornography, something on child raising, something on developing a child spiritually at home, etc. Obviously, a church can invite them to worship or other children's events as well. Additionaly, a church can have the VBS finale coincide with a church assembly (Wed night/Sunday morning). This shows the church cares about kids, and obviously gives families exposure to the larger church and worship.

  3. Find ways to involve the children's parents and get them to interact with church members. This might be through a sports theme, where visitors' parents can see how they can be used in easy, non-threatening ways. There may be other ways. The point is that people are reached through relationships, and it is much easier to reach a family through both the parents and kids than through kids alone.

  4. Follow-up with visitors personally with a quick in home visit, texting, email, etc. Different visitors may be receptive to different things, but some type of personal contact is essential. Ideally, the registrants/greeters and various church families have made a personal connection with some of those who have attended, have gotten their contact information, and have maybe even set up a time to get together for a play date, lunch, etc. This can't be forced, but it certainly must be tried.

  5. Conduct the VBS out in neighborhoods, trailer parks, etc. This takes the church to the people, who might otherwise ignore the invitation. Because it is in their neighborhood, follow-up is much easier and more natural as well.

What ideas do you have in making VBS more outward-focused, evangelistic, missional?

Here are some recent blog posts on these subjects.

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