How often do you read books written on the craft of preaching? For several years I read at least one book on the subject of preaching ...but have not done that the past few years. Any that have been a blessing to you? 


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John, the best, most practical book that I have read recently on the art of preaching is Andy Stanley's book, Communicating for a Change. He has a simple but powerful way to progress in thought throughout a message.

- Start with something you have been thinking about or wrestling with - I
- Move to audience-perhaps you have struggled with this too - We
- Look at what Bible says on subject - God
- Draw application to us together - We
- Draw application to the individual-now what about you? - You

What do you think of this simple progression?
I think that's excellent James. I read that book a few years ago and liked it a lot. I am not certain I've ever consciously applied that flow of thought but I think it merits great consideration.

James Nored said:
John, the best, most practical book that I have read recently on the art of preaching is Andy Stanley's book, Communicating for a Change. He has a simple but powerful way to progress in thought throughout a message.

- Start with something you have been thinking about or wrestling with - I
- Move to audience-perhaps you have struggled with this too - We
- Look at what Bible says on subject - God
- Draw application to us together - We
- Draw application to the individual-now what about you? - You

What do you think of this simple progression?


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