When I first started preaching, I got several sermon illustration books. And occasionally I would find something that would be funny or helpful.
But soon I stopped reading them. It is not that they do not contain some good illustrations still. But I stopped using them because:
- They were impersonal.
- They were often about dead people that no one knew.
- Google came on the scene, and I was now able to find sermon pictures and videos, as well as quotes and jokes
- I quickly discovered that the best sermon illustrations come from real life.
How do you get real life sermon illustrations? By being around people. Visit the hospital. Study with people. Talk with people in stores and shops. Ask people questions. Post questions on Facebook. Browse Barnes and Noble. Sermon illustrations are rarely found sitting in an office.
If I know what I'm preaching on early in the week, it is easy to find illustrations. They just jump out at me as I meet and talk with people, read something, etc.
Where do you get sermon illustrations? What sermon illustrations work best with you?