I have been attending the
Renovare conference this week, which focused upon Spiritual Formation. It centered around Eugene Peterson's book,
The Jesus Way. One of the attendees started a Facebook group on this that might be of interest to you.
What is Spiritual formation? The Renovare conference put together a definition after consulting with 200 or so spiritual formation authors and speakers.
Here is the definition that Renovare came up with:
Christian spiritual formation is the process of being shaped by the Spirit into the likeness of Christ, filled with love for God and the world.
Here are some sub-points that they make:
- God calls us all to become like Jesus.
- As we are rooted in Jesus and in the kingdom he proclaims, we ate progressively transformed.
- Our engagement with God's transforming grace is vital.
- Spiritual formation happens in community
- Spiritual formation is, by it's very nature, missional.
- We invite all people, everywhere, to embrace with us this calling to become like Jesus.
What do you think of this definition? What strengths or weaknesses do you see? How does it compare to other definitions of spiritual formation that you have seen?