We Need to Change the Stories We Tell Ourselves (from Ruth) from James Nored on Vimeo.
Churches, ministers, pastors, and church administrators go to the time and trouble of posting sermons online each week on websites and social media sites. And almost no one watches. Why is this?
Quite simply, because online attention spans are incredibly short. Most people simply will not watch a 30 minute sermon online. Or a 25 minute sermon. Or a 22 minute sermon. Or even a 10 minute sermon.
So how do you change this? Here are three simple ways.
Because of the short online attention span, on our church website, many of the "sermons" that are highlighted and embedded on our sermon/video page are of these short highlight videos, with links to the full sermon messages. When someone is "trying out" a church/preacher, these clips are enough for them to get a taste, plus they can have a bit more of a culturally typical experience with background music (and b roll, when it is available)--and they can watch the full sermons if they like.
What do you think of the sermon highlight clip concept? What additional information or tools do you need to do this? What are the benefits? What are the barriers? How else could the short online attention span be solved?
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