I am researching the use of social media for outreach and evangelism. I'll later post a list of the books and sites I am looking at. One book I'd recommend is
Social Media Marketing an Hour a Day by Dave Evans. There are a lot of tips from social media marketing that can be applied to social media outreach and evangelism.
I'll post a different tip to this discussion periodically.
Tip #1: Content is king. "In a social setting . . . partivcipants are there to relax, learn, engage, or be entertained. They are looking for content." p. 183
It is easy to get enamoured with the technology of a social media site and think, this site is so cool. People will want to come and just hang out. The truth is, a site that does not constantly add content will soon be a dead site. This means that content must be added daily, and usually throughout the day. All it takes is people coming to a site a few times without seeing any changes, and they will check less frequently and then not at all.
So I tell people that want to start a social media site, are you ready for the commitment? Because there is a huge commitment required to maintain this type of site. Site developers need to recruit a team of content providers - writers, photo people, music people, video people who regularly provide content. Sure, some of this will happen naturally once a site takes off. But this is crucial in the beginning stages of a site, and still very much necessary after the site takes off.
What kind of content do you find interesting and helpful that keeps you coming back to a site?