Kevin Ruth – "I really enjoyed leaning about my Spiritual gifts and Strengths. Until I was asked to take the test and study the results, I never even once thought of how each person has a measurable level of different skill and gifts. It is great to see how unique each one of us is and how we can all serve in our strength area with the most effectiveness."

Nancy Sherrick – "I feel this process is effective at helping discover and/or confirm individual strengths and abilities. I think I have sometimes taken my abilities for granted and haven’t always been able to put a label on them. I also like the concept of discovering strengths and learning to use them more effectively instead of always focusing on weaknesses."

Tina Mitchell – "I personally did not make the connection that the gift of administration could be effectively used in ministry. As a result of the spiritual gifts assessment, I was better able to understand how my personal ‘strengths’ could be used to in various ministries such as the children’s ministry with assisting in coordinating VBS, youth ministry with coordinating various youth events, such as Fun in the Son, Adult Ministry with assisting in planning the ladies day. I wanted to serve but didn’t feel ‘qualified’ as I don’t have the ‘gift’ of teaching. I associated serving with evangelizing or teaching and didn’t understand that what one of the gifts that I have, specifically the gift of administration, can be used in a wide range of duties and are crucial to the success of any mission, even the mission of saving the lost."

Cynthia Fish – "I thought the process yielded some interesting results and I was pleased that I had taken the time to do the test. It helped me identify areas that were lying dormant. I was encouraged to use abilities that before the test might have remained unused. I enjoyed the challenge of trying something new and keeping my eyes open to the possibility of drawing closer to both God and my fellow Christians as well as the ‘unchurched.’"

Judy Van Meter – "I think this was an extremely helpful tool to learn about myself and how I might better serve God."

Matt Brunk - "Churches like all organizations, can only thrive and reach their goals by having everyone do their best at what they do very well.  A football team couldn't win a game, much less a championship by having only kickers on their team.  Church leaders need to assess the ‘players’ and then help them find a spot on the team. 

Roger Dingus – "I was impressed that it was as accurate as it was . . . If someone was struggling with knowing how to use the gifts and abilities given them, then I think these tools would be excellent."

Judy Dingus – "I think this process is much needed in the church and very helpful to members. Everyone I know that has taken this survey (test) has been very complimentary of it and how much it has helped them see their place in the church and how God can use them as they are, right now, in his kingdom.

Eloise Stewart – "I was impressed in learning so much more than I could have imagined about strengths and gifts spiritually. It has helped me and my family and neighbors too. Thank you for the opportunity."

James Norris – "I think that it would be most beneficial for one to consider the strengths and Spiritual gifts process."

Kim Smith - "Taking the assessment helped me to confirm what I was feeling and helped me find other areas I can serve that will best use my spiritual gifts for the Lord. It has been so encouraging to learn that I have gifts in areas I would never have believed before taking the assessment. I think sometimes we get involved in areas of service that are gender oriented because we don’t know any other ways to serve. Learning what my strengths are helped me to see other areas to serve that I may never have tried otherwise.

Tom Haight – "Many people do things everyday without knowing why they do it better than others. This can help you recognize the importance of knowing how God made you."

Last updated by James Nored Jul 23, 2010.

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