10 Ideas for Getting to Know and Love Your Neighbors and Neighborhood!

Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. And yet, most Christians do not know their neighbors--including their actual neighbors in their neighborhood--very well at all. There are many reasons for this, including the changed structural nature of neighborhoods, the inventions of television and air conditioning, which encourage us to stay inside, busyness, and many other factors.

But this is a post about actually getting to know our neighbors, not all of the causes. So how do we do this? Try these ten things:

  1. Get to know your neighbors' names. We all like to be known, and it has been said that there is nothing sweeter to a person than his or her name. So what do you do if you have met your neighbors, forgotten their names, and are now in that awkward stage? 

    Well, one solution is to go and confess, apologize, and then ask them their names. But there are also other ways. For instance, there is usually someone in the neighborhood who is really nice and knows everyone. Ask that person for help, and when they tell you people's names, WRITE THEM DOWN! You can also google addresses, ask your kids to ask the neighbor kids their parents names, etc.

  2. Show an interest in your neighbors, their lives, and their families! When you meet your neighbors, introduce yourself, ask them where they live, what they do, and where they moved here from. Ask about their kids--every parent loves to talk about their children--and write down their names and something about them. Look for common interests. Find out what they like to do for fun. And ask about these things each time you see them.

  3. Go on walks and prayer walks in the neighborhood. It is amazing the number of people that you can meet and run into when you walk in the neighborhood. If you have a kid in a stroller or a cute dog, people will often stop and chat. That is a great opportunity to meet people. And on this walk, try praying for the different families in each house as you go along.

  4. Throw neighborhood parties--especially at holidays and birthday parties. Many people really don't always have a place to go for holiday weekends like the Fouth of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc., and would enjoy a little party or get together on these holidays. And unfortunately, Christians often just invite other Christians to their holiday parties. Most everyone will go to a Christmas party if invited and they don't have a conflict.

    If you want the party to be a success, don't do it alone. Ask one or two other families in the neighborhood--who may have stronger neighborhood connections than you--to help you throw the party and invite people. It is a fantastic way to have a good time and invite others.

  5. Start a neighborhood Facebook group and invite/put your neighbors into it. This is a great way to stay connected in the group, share pictures, tell about upcoming neighborhood parties, stay connected, etc. It also is another great way to help remember names and faces.

  6. Have Friday or Saturday night barbeque/pizza, game, or movie nights. Going out can be expensive and a hassle. But doing inexpensive things in the neighborhood or at a neighbor's house can appealing. Invite over in advance, or try spontaneous invitations for those whom you have gotten to know. Hint: if the kids have something to do that excites them, the parents will often go along.  

  7. Go to your neighbor's soccer games and kid events and support them. Sometimes people are reluctant to interrupt their schedules to go and be with you. But going and supporting and watching their kids? Most parents are glad to do this. They are proud of their kids, and will think that you are great for showing their kids this kind of support (and that you have really good judgment of talent! :)

  8. Find things to do outside of the neighborhood together. Doing events outside of the neighborhood can be tough to do initially. In some ways, a neighborhood is like a third place, and doing things outside of the neighborhood can be a big barrier to cross. It is the sign of a closer friendship and commitment. 

    But look for things to do together and invite to. Invite to some kind of community event, movie, or to go out for coffee. Try going to a new restaurant as a couple together. Or, as you get to know them, something you both really love doing--going to the beach, a weekend get away, a big game, etc. 

  9. Look for and welcome new neighbors--and throw going away parties for those who are leaving. Put together a care basket for new neighbors with food, contact information, places to go, doctors or chiropractors, spas, etc. You can put a welcome packet from your church in this basket too. Gather this up from other neighbors on behalf of the neighborhood. And when someone moves away, invite people over to your house for a going away party. Saying good-bye is nice, and it is a way to also draw the remaining group together.

  10. Find ways to bless your neighbors with prayer, free babysitting, thoughtful cards, thoughtful gifts, etc. Pay attention to when there is job loss, surgery, cancer, things to celebrate. In a world that is self-centered, self-absorbed, and selfish, these kind gestures can stand out. Pray for your neighbors by name at the dinner table with the kids. And ask God for opportunities to bless, share your faith, and invite into Christian community.

Which ideas from above do you like? What other suggestions do you have?

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Comment by James Nored on May 19, 2015 at 8:31am

Glad that you found it helpful, David! Appreciate you sharing!

Comment by David Wesley Spillman on May 18, 2015 at 5:58pm

Great, practical, encouraging article! Thank-you for the encouragement!

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