10 Must learn Phrases for Making Converts instead of Making Disciples.

Phrases for when you make converts instead of Making Disciples.

#1 - “Now that you have been baptized, and while we are still in this water, let me wash my hands of you."

#2 - “After you fill out that information card, you will probably never see me again."

#3 - “Jesus has a wonderful plan for YOUR life that doesn't include ME."

#4 - “Now that you have prayed that prayer, go in peace and leave me in peace."

#5 - “Well, lets cover these Denomination Distinctives 1st, and then we'll get to the other stuff... eventually."

#6 - “For now, just keep eating that Goat Chow. I'll be back with the Sheep food later."

#7 - “Let me introduce you to Fred, he will follow up with you.”

#8 - “Yes, of course you may keep your consolation evangelism gadget. You earned it.”

#9 - “No, no, no - absolutely no strings attached.”

#10 - “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed”

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Comment by James Nored on December 6, 2010 at 9:44am
Miguel, let's hope that we are no longer abandoning new converts. Of course, most churches are not converting anyone anyway...

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