20 Things About the Unchurched People Who Visit Your Church

Here are 20 Facts About the Unchurched People Who Visit Your Church by Brian Dodd:

  1. Unchurched People were often deeply affected as children by the actions of their parents and their view of God.
  2. Unchurched People were often judged harshly by those in roles of spiritual authority.
  3. Unchurched People often watched Christians treat each other harshly. Why would they want to be part of that?
  4. Unchurched People are unclear on what is needed to go to Heaven.
  5. Unchurched People have seen poor Christian leadership modeled for them. Thankfully, God sent Beth to a church led by a man like Mike Linch.
  6. Unchurched People think Christianity is religion and rules rather than a relationship.
  7. Unchurched People raise children in light of how they were raised.
  8. Unchurched People are impressed with excellence in worship even if they do not understand it or believe everything being communicated.
  9. Unchurched People have no idea how much God truly loves them.
  10. Unchurched People believe in God. They just do not know how to gain His favor.
  11. Unchurched People have legitimate faith questions.
  12. Unchurched People often experience tremendous amounts of guilt.
  13. Like everyone, Unchurched People have also faced many challenges as adults.
  14. Unchurched People questioned God when tragedy struck.
  15. Unchurched People are most likely to come to church because they are invited by a friend.
  16. Unchurched People often do not sing.
  17. Unchurched People will return the next Sunday if they like the pastor.
  18. Unchurched People enjoy messages that “demystify” the Bible.
  19. Unchurched People will slowly get involved through small groups and places where they can serve.
  20. Unchurched People’s hearts melt when they see their children loving church and singing, even if they do not. So invest heavily in your worship services and children’s programming.

Which of these have you experienced? Which of these surprises you?

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Comment by James Nored on July 6, 2015 at 5:51pm

Very true, Ron. That identification with the pastor/minister when people come in is huge in them coming back or not. And if they can connect with someone else, as you suggest, that is very big too.

Comment by Ron Furgerson on July 6, 2015 at 5:49pm

This is a great list.  I have experienced just about all the "facts,"  and none are really surprising.  One observation is that in addition to liking the pastor it is really helpful if visitors can make solid, really solid, contact with someone at the church who takes a personal interest in them without smothering them.  

Comment by James Nored on July 6, 2015 at 5:47pm

Great point, Paul. I am still surprised by how many people do not understand this. This is the reason why I seek to look nice, but not formal, when I preach. If Jesus, who became like one of us to reach us were here, what would he wear?

I know that he did not wear a suite and tie in the 1st century. :)

Comment by Paul Davis on July 6, 2015 at 5:41pm
Great points! I'd add they prefer casual attire being the norm... They are suspicious of pretension... Looking for it. They want to connect with real people.

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