Asian FriendSpeak Students Watch Story of Redemption Film on Creation!

The Story of Redemption has been a very effective evangelistic Bible study, but what about the Story of Redemption Films. Will they "work," and how? 

Becki and I have been in Texas for the past three weeks, seeing family and friends, taking our oldest daughter to a special summer class at Oklahoma Christian University, and doing ministry and networking. Today I ran into one of our elder buddy friends, Sandy Detherage, in McKinney at Starbucks, who was studying with some FriendSpeak students.

Story of Redemption 1.1 - Love and Creation (Intro, In the Beginning) from James Nored on Vimeo.

Sandy indicated that his Asian FriendSpeak students had questions about, "Where do we come from?", so he invited me over to discuss this with them. So I showed them the first video in the Story of Redemption series, Love and Creation, which covers this subject. They liked it, thought that it was very well done and professional, and it led into a great discussion.

In China, people are taught atheism and materialism. Interestingly, they seem to have little cultural reflection upon where people come from or what happens to us after we die. However, these were the very questions that these two students were asking. And because this opening lesson deals with these questions--upholding the value of Science but pointing out the questions that Science and scientific theories do not address--this seems to be a great lesson for those from Chinese culture. It was a great meeting!

We and others have used the Story of Redemption as an effective follow-up study to FriendSpeak. Hopefully it will be used in this same way across the country. It was great to see the film version be used in this way very successfully in a coffee shop setting.

What experience do you have with sharing the gospel with those from China or with an Asian background?

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Comment by James Nored on July 29, 2016 at 10:26am

Thank you, Ron. Appreciate your encouragement, as always. I find that when I study with people from China, they tend to be very open and interested. It is great to share the gospel.

Comment by Ron Furgerson on July 29, 2016 at 7:23am

Well done, James.  I confess to never having or seizing an opportunity to share my faith with an Asian.  Your video is an excellent tool for starting a conversation.  <>/p>

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