Be a Mission-Minded Family . . . in February!!!

Holidays in February provide great opportunities for outreach and family discipleship for MISSION-MINDED FAMILIES. As we look a: Valentines Day, Chinese New Year, President's Day, and Black History Month. we can emphasize God's love for all people, our need to PRAY for Christians who are being PERSECUTED for their faith, and the importance of telling our friends and neighbors about the Lord.



Update Your February Calendar: Throughout the year, acknowledging international holidays and using these days as focus-points for prayer, can give our families an insight into our world’s need for Jesus. These vibrant festivities are filled with colorful expression, yet often these traditions are rooted in false religion and fear. Get out your family calendar, and take a moment to write down the names of these holidays on their respective dates.

Throughout the year, you can come back to the chapter, "Enjoying Missions Throughout the Year" in The Mission-Minded Family, to read about each holiday and pray accordingly.

Valentine's Day

(February 14th) - This holiday, also known as Saint Valentine's Day, was named after two early Christian martyrs named Valentine and is observed by Western and Western-influenced cultures. In the United States and some other countries, cards and gifts are given to friends, sweethearts, and family members to express love.

  • A STARTLING MISSION FACT: From Neal Pirolo's 1991 book, Serving as Senders - On just one day, February 14, Americans spend over 700 million dollars to say "I love you" with Valentine's Day cards. Less than that is spent in the whole month of February (and in each of the other months) to tell a lost and dying world that God loves them!
  • NEIGHBORHOOD VALENTINE OUTREACH: Encourage your kids to make Valentine's Day cards to thank the special people in their lives. You could also use these cards as a witnessing tool - to share "Jesus LOVES You!" with unsaved family members, young friends, or adult neighbors who need the Lord.
  • HELPFUL LINK: Click here for FREE Valentine's Day cards and envelopes.
  • PRAYER FOCUS - Voice of the Martyrs & the Persecuted Church: Pray for contemporary Christians who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. See, or read a selection from the great book, Jesus Freaks, by dc Talk. Also, here's an excellent article about St. Valentine the Martyr from Christian Persecution blog (The Voice of the Martyrs).

Chinese New Year - China

Pray for China!
(February 3, 2011) - The Chinese New Year is celebrated with family gift giving and celebrations. In China, many people need Jesus, and many Christians suffer persecution.

  • Fun ideas: Eat a Chinese meal with chopsticks. Translate words into Chinese with an online translator. Watch a classic film about Gladys Alyward, "Inn of the Sixth Happiness" starring Ingrid Bergman. (Although not totally accurate, this film is heartwarming and inspirational).

President's Day - USA

(3rd Monday of the month - February 21, 2011)

Pray for government leaders and for the president of the United States. A good source for help:

The Presidential Prayer Team

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (I Timothy 2:1-4).

Black History Month - February

70ruggedheartDid you know? Did you know that the first missionary from America was of African/American descent? George Liele, a Baptist Minister, left America in 1782 to start a church in Jamaica. This was twenty years before Adoniram & Nancy Judson left from America to Burma.

(And did you know? There's a GEORGE LEILE "Missionary Monologue" featured in THE MISSION-MINDED CHILD!!!)

The world needs Jesus . . . all year long!

Let's share God's LOVE!!!

  • "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." (John 15:13).
  • "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

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