Being Missional in Our Worship Times - Americans need more sleep

Being missional must factor into everything that we do. This should include even such things as our worship times. Is this not what a missionary would do? Is this not what a church planter would do? Absolutely! They would say, what time would have the best chance of having someone that we are trying to reach attend? They would not say, hmm, I think I'll have it at _____ time because that is what I like.
So what worship times would be culturally appropriate? That, of course, will depend upon the culture. I imagine that this might be very different in Africa, Europe, or Asia. But what about typical American culture?

Here is where research is helpful--something which every missionary, missional leader, or missional church must do. Consider these three news stories and the research behind them:

- ABC News Story on Americans and Sleep Patterns - This news story reports on a2007 study that shows Americans are: ) losing sleep to work; and 2) losing sleep to commutes. This is particularly true in suburbia. Furthermore, cellphones are extending the work days of Americans. Where do Americans catch up on this sleep? "The survey suggests that people who cut back on sleep on weekdays often try to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday."

- One-third Of Americans Lose Sleep Over Economy - March 2, 2009 - "One-third of Americans are losing sleep over the state of the U.S. economy and other personal financial concerns, according to a new poll released today by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF)."

- Americans Just Want a Good Night's Sleep - This 2005 survey by the Barna research group indicates that "Seven out of ten adults (71%) said they look forward "a lot" to having a refreshing snooze." This was the number one thing that people looked forward to, above, vacations, travel, entertainment, etc. These results were true for both those with children and those without. It seems that nearly everyone is sleep deprived.

All of this would point towards late Sunday morning start times for worship if one wants to have the unchurched attend. And early morning starts are probably not good for most churched people either, due to a general lack of sleep throughout the week from work and commute times. Ragged schedules at other times due to kids' activities are perhaps controllable, but work and commute times often are not.

The realities of this is why churches that are seeking to reach out often have worship services at 11:00 PM or 11:30 PM on Sunday, and no earlier than 10 PM. Early afternoon services, such as 1 or 2 PM, might also be tried. Some churches have even gone to Saturday night services. The Jewish day began at sundown, so a case can be made for Saturday evening being "resurrection day," though it is not typically thought of in this way for most Western cultures such as the US.

We would withdraw support from a missionary that went to Africa and failed to adjust meeting times to fit the culture, and no amount of saying, "This time fits best with our members" or "This is when we have always done this" would be listened to. The problem is, in an established church, these questions are usually not even asked. Usually, they are not asked because the church views itself as an institution for club members, not the people of God on mission to reach the world for Christ.

Missional thinking must factor into everything that we do.

When do you think your unchurched friends and neighbors would most likely attend a worship service?

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Comment by Tanner King on March 20, 2009 at 9:50am
In my opinion, the primary goal of church leaders should be emphasizing & exhibiting a life-pattern consisting of communal worship, conversation in & with the Word of God, and service for the sake of the world.

We have Bible class at 9am and worship at 10:15am on Sundays. Like most churches, Bible class attendance is about 2/3 that of worship. I think the hardest hit demographic for 9am Bible class is the college group. (Having just been in that demographic a few years ago, I can personally testify to the lack of desire to get up that early on Sunday!) We also have small groups that meet, like the Holy Spirit, whenever and wherever they want (typically Sunday nights).

Given the complexity of most people's work week, I wonder if moving the worship hour to a different time would only make the week more complex...? Unless one's community is full of people who work on Sundays, for the most part, people's weekly work schedule naturally pauses on Sunday.
Comment by Linda K. Robertson on March 20, 2009 at 9:13am
I think it's easier for families with children, especially smaller children to attend a later service time. Maybe I'm just making excuses for why my kids don't make it to Bible Class at times. I know I'm not an early morning person, but I have to get up early 5 days a week so what's one more. Yet, I don't have children at home anymore. Don't wake me early on Saturday tho!
Comment by James Nored on March 20, 2009 at 12:22am
John, you crack me up! "Slackers" is a very missional term. :)
Comment by John on March 19, 2009 at 8:47pm
Make the slackers get up early like the rest of us, I say. :-)


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