Each One Matters: Startling Orphan Statistics

(One orphan child - Uganda, East Africa. Photo by my older daughter, Christi.)

These startling orphan statistics are more than mere facts; remember that each number is a precious child . . . a real little kid. Every one is precious in the eyes of God, and He has an extra-special place in His heart for those children who are orphans (see verses here).  


But whatever you do, don't let these overwhelming statistics discourage you. Instead, allow God to take these needs . . . and move your heart . . . to do something.


Even something small.

Maybe you could help . . . even one.


143,000,000 ORPHANS:

It is estimated that between 143,000,000 and 210,000,000 children are orphans. That's at least 143 MILLION children in the world today. (Recent UNICEF report.)

To give you an idea of the enormity of this need, keep in mind that the approximate population of the US is 300,000,000; and the population of Russia is 141,800,000.)



ORPHANS in Africa:

Every 15 seconds, another child in AFRICA becomes an AIDS orphan. (At the end of every year, 2,102,400 more children will become orphans, in Africa alone.)

Think: “D-I-N-C-S”: There are more orphans in Sub-Sahara Africa than ALL of the children
in Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Canada, and Sweden - combined!



Every day . . .

EVERY DAY, 5,760 more children in the world become orphans.

EVERY 2.2 SECONDS another orphan ages out, with no family and no home.



Older orphans . . .

Older orphans are vulnerable . . . to abuse, suicide, prostitution, slavery, becoming child soldiers, immorality (and as a result, vulnerable to AIDS and disease).

Yet, as orphans are rescued and saved by God, and brought into His Kingdom, the enemy’s plans are thwarted; instead, these older orphans can live happy, productive lives and help to advance God’s cause and mission purposes!


“Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; Maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Deliver the weak and needy from the hand of the wicked.” Ps 82:3-4


More ORPHAN verses:
Ex.22:22-23 NIV, Is.1:17 NASB, Ps.10:17-18 NASB, Hos. 14:3c NASB, Pr. 31:8-9 NKJV

There are so many wonderful ministries helping and loving orphans. At Harvest Ministry, our passion is to not only feed, educate, and provide for the physical needs of these children, but to raise them to LOVE GOD and to glorify Him through their lives!!!




Above: our younger daughter, Caela, having fun with orphan friends in East Africa.

Below: our older daughter, Christi, bringing God's love to a slum area in Cambodia.




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Comment by Ann Dunagan on March 7, 2011 at 2:16pm
Yes, these photos (and these orphan needs) makes me smile . . . and yet it also makes me cry, because the needs can be SO overwhelming. Just this week, we were able to send over a truck load of food to help over 600 orphan children in desperate need at Guma Na Yesu Children's Center in Uganda -- but it was not nearly enough, and mostly just cassava flour for this posho stuff, which makes my momma-heart sad, as I don't want to just fill tummies, but I want these children to have healthy nutrition and to know that they are truly LOVED. Right now, we're believing to get some new latrines, and more healthy food, and beds as soon as possible. Most of these kids now have new mattresses and blankets, but all these kids are sleeping on the ground.
Comment by James Nored on March 5, 2011 at 10:14am
Ann, thank you for having such a heart for these orphans. They are God's children!! It must make you proud to see your daughters reaching out to these children. The picture with Caela makes me smile!!!

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